
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Petition to Have Chgwiz Return

This is a simple blog, a selfish blog in some ways, but I want one of my favorite bloggers return. I don't know any details. Don't want to know. I might not be the right person to do this, but I'm doing it anyway. I just want Michael back to blogging. His blog was one of the first blogs I got hooked on and one of the first people who commented on my blog. So if you enjoyed his blog sign my electronic petition.


  1. I absolutely feel the same way you do. He made me feel more welcome in the RPG blogosphere than anyone else.

  2. Once he has taken some time to put all of this into perspective, I truly hope he decides to come back. His work will be missed.

    With Regards,

  3. Take this as my signature. When I wanted to explain to someone the essence of sandbox or how an OSR campaign should work, Chgowiz's blog was the one to which I linked. He was a source of inspiration while designing my campaign and to think that we might have lost that inspiration because of this brouhaha makes it all the more tragic. He was also my third follower and although he disappeared from the list a month or so ago (didn't say why) it was an honour to have him following my blog.

    Come back, Old Guy. We really miss you.

  4. Providing he wants to return, I'd love to see him back.

  5. His was one of three blogs I had bookmarked. I agree that his absence will be felt. I don't comment much on blogs, but I'll break tradition here and say I'm sad to see him go.

  6. In the vast sea of blogs in my RSS feed, his was a real standout. I really hope he decides to come back.

  7. When he's rested up and gotten some fun gaming in I can't wait to read what he's been up to and thought about.

  8. His was one that i read daily - each and every day. I enjoyed it immensely and I credit it completely with my return to the hobby after (ironically) being burned out by all the negativity, bickering, and whining.

    So I can understand his position. But the selfish part of me wants him back!

    I hope he takes these waves of support to heart and reconsiders but I fully understand if he shouldn't.

  9. When you are ready, man...come back.

  10. I have nothing to add, but yes, me too :)

  11. I'm in. His blog was one of the first one's I found when I came back to gaming and has always been inspirational. I've already expressed the same sentiment to him directly.

    Take your time, Michael, but please do come back eventually.


  12. I agree. Bring the old guy back. I read too much crap and don't want to lose the good stuff. Plus he's a dude of quality himself.

  13. I'm not really sure about what's taking place with this whole OSR thing. And honestly, I could care less. Don't get me wrong. I'm not putting down OSR or anyone who plays what they love to play. More power to ya (Cut my teeth ages back on the 5 box sets and still love em to death). I just don't care for politics.

    That said, I do hope the Old Guy comes back as well. I enjoyed reading his posts (Especially session summaries) and hope that this is only a temporary departue until this blows by.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hope to see the Old Guy blog online again soon.


  16. Come back, please hurry, stay for good this time!

  17. I agree. I am not old school, but I read his blog because it is one of the best. If he isn't too burnt out, a return would be great.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The fact that the self-appointed shitheadedness of a couple people has taken down *two* of my favorite blogs irritates me to no end.

    I've read Chgowiz's blog from nearly the beginning, and it was great to see him grow from someone just returning to the hobby to a major figure in the OSR. His posts about his D&D games with is wife inspired me to start a similar series on my blog, and I in turn inspired him to check out Pendragon. Great all-around guy. Hopefully when he comes back, he'll be able to focus on the stuff that makes gaming and blogging about gaming fun and leave all the politics and ass-hattery behind.

    Come back Mike!


    Bring it back, Old Guy.

  21. His blog was also one of the first for me. I was particularly moved when he started the solo game with his wife!

    Come back.

  22. Mike, if you're reading this, I hope you decide to come back at some point. I respect your need to take some time off and hope you and yours are doing well.

  23. I started playing AD&D 2nd edition when I was just a few years older than my daughter with my little brother at a local game shop. The kind of place that can be pretty hard to find today. I'm turning 30 this year so while I haven't been around since the beginning, I've played a lot of games and many editions in that time. A few months ago I ran across the OSR and it's many blogs and pages when I was investigating the whole West Marches Sandbox thing. I have to say it struck a chord with me since all I've done for years now is play in exquisitely crafted railroad games. They've been fun and I have some great memories from those games but now I want to do something else. So I started writing up my OWN sandbox as my first foray into DMing. Chgowiz's blog was one of the first I found. It was full of really great advice and I literally went back and read every single post there over a period of days. I didn't even know wtf TARGA was until this controversy happened and I have to say as someone who has kids and is new to the OSR scene, I found the whole thing to be incredibly stupid and biased on the part of the people who are apparently trying to raise their kids in a rainbow and sunshine filled vacuum. I sincerely hope Chgowiz will change his mind and come back. I found his blog to be really insightful and I learned a lot about the process of what I want to do with my game. Too often when something gets codified and organized and becomes a name unto itself like TARGA diversity gets sacrificed for the sake of trying to please everyone. It's the exact opposite of the kind of sentiment I have found expressed across the OSR landscape which to me seemed all about creativity and not being defined by rules. Please come back.

  24. At the risk of sounding 'Me too!' the return of Michael to the blogosphere would be a Good Thing.

    Let's hope it's just a hiatus.

  25. I hate to see the us lose such a great resource. I hope he comes back someday.

  26. Add my signature/voice to the others. His was the first "gaming" blog I bookmarked and the first I would check every day. I hope Michael comes back, and as soon as he can.

  27. While wanting to honor his reasons for pulling out, I must say WE NEED YOU CHGOWIZ! Please come back to us!

    And THANKS to Tim for starting the petition.

  28. Add my voice to those wishing Chgowiz all the best in whatever he chooses to do from here on out. I read his blog regularly and found it both entertaining and educational. It, and his virtual presence, will be missed. Thank you for your generosity, bless you for your efforts, and best of luck on the next chapter--I for one am looking forward to whatever he decides to do next.

  29. Heck, I can't even say that I read his blog, but I support him for the simple fact that nobody should be bullied from expressing themselves or contributing to the hobby.

    Our hobby is far too much to let all this seriousness keep mucking it up.

    This is my signature for a happy return.

  30. Consider this my request for his return.


  31. You and your blog is greatly missed, hope to see you return.

  32. Come back Chgowiz!

  33. I do miss his blog and hope it returns whenever he's ready. Fight On! Michael.

  34. Help us Chgowiz, you're our only hope!

    Seriously, sometimes a voice of reason is needed. That is pretty much your role. We need ya lad :)

  35. The Old Guy's RPG blog was one of the main reasons I came back to gaming, especially old school gaming.
    I'd given up a couple years back due to all of the stresses that get in the way until I found his blog about a year ago.
    I was blown away and inspired.
    Please, mate, please ignore the crap that has sprung up and get back online.

  36. Please come back Chgowiz. We promise we'll play nice. :(


  38. Signed. I don't know exactly what happened, but Chgowiz was a true gentleman, even when others weren't. I don't think there was a snarky bone in his body. The OSR needs more guys like that.

  39. Signed.

    On one hand, I just want a good weekend when I could go through all his stuff.

    On the other -- the hobby means a lot to all of us, and while there are other things more important in our lives, it's still important.

    Just like knowing other gamers are doing well and playing and having fun. And blogging.

    Came a bit late to this OSR shindig, but hope you come back soon, sir.

    -Alex from the Philippines

  40. I spend some time mostly away from the blog-o-sphere for spring break, and Chgwiz disappears. Count me as one more who hopes he will reappear.



  42. I hope you bring back your blog, Chgowiz. The OSR is not the same without you.

  43. Sir, we are stronger with you than without you.

    The only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to blog nothing...


  44. Please come back. The internet may be full of people who love to spew bile, but there are also a lot of good people who support and miss you.

  45. Dear Chgowiz,

    This is not us demanding your return. This is us hoping that you'll decide to return. We enjoy your blog and we miss you.

    Yours truly,

  46. I don't blog on gaming, or post on gaming blogs normally, but I do follow a good crop of gaming (mainly OSR) blogs regularly and I'm rather sad to hear that Chgowiz stopped :(

    Come back Chgowiz!

  47. Whether he return or not, his "One Page Dungeon Level Template" (saved to my HDD) is a resource which has inspired me to GAME ON!

  48. Chgowiz is a stand-up guy who has contributed a great deal to OSR gaming. His blog missing from my blog roll is like loosing an issue of Dragon magazine from my collection.

  49. Consider this signed.

    Chgowiz, if you're reading this, I certainly hope you decide to come back. I have to thank you for so much..

    Game on!

  50. Miss your voice. Come back when you are able and if inclined.


  51. Chgwiz rocks, and I was shocked to see him missing.

    Bring Crgwiz Back!!!

  52. I fully support whatever Michael decides to do, but I know I miss him and his input into the community.

  53. Mike, I don't know if you will read this. Maybe one of your friends will find it and forward it.

    Thanks! I loved your blog and wish you all the best.

  54. What the crap?! I look away for one minute (okay maybe longer) and Chgowiz wanders off?


  55. I agree. Don't let the @$$holes get you down. Take a breather if you need to, but you are are missed, chgowiz
