
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Even More New Purchases

I'm on a roll this weekend.  I ended up buying five new items off of RPGNow.  I took advantage of Avalon Game Company's $1.00 day in celebration of hitting 600 products.  They have a series called How To...I got How to Create a Great Campaign and How to Create a Great Villain.  I read through the campaign one and was glad I only paid a dollar for it.  It would be good for someone who is just beginning, but for someone with experience will find it too rudimentary.  The also purchased The Fantasy Maker Handbook.  This beast comes in at over 200 pages.  Its a work book to develop a campaign.  I glanced through it and again, glad I got it for a dollar, but may use it for something.  But still need to look at it closer.  The last one I bought for a dollar was Markets and Merchandise.  This one is a great buy.  I've enjoyed what I've seen so far. 

The last product I bought was Cerberus Royalty Free Clip Art Pack.  Over 175 images and 6 page backgrounds.  This one went for twenty bucks.  I think there is a lot of art in there I can use.  I went through and tweak a lot of the pictures and I'm happy with the purchase.  My purchases for 2011 are starting to total up. You can see the total in the right hand column along with all the links to the products I purchased.

Knowledge Illuminates is hanging on in the top 15 at #12.  Sales are steady and at the end of the month I'll post how it gone.  I've been enjoying the process and looking forward to putting out the next adventure.  Have great Saturday Night everyone.  It's a night to get some popcorn and watch a black and white horror flick.  So it is said, so it shall be. 


  1. Congrats on Knowledge Illuminates. I will get around to buying a copy, I just have a pretty large reading stack on the old nightstand to get through first.

  2. Kilsern > No problem its going to be around for a bit I hope. I bought a ton of stuff this weekend I am going through myself.
