
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why I Should Listen to My Wife

So I know I am impatient. I've been working on this project for a while and last night I wanted it to be done. I'd gone through it a bunch of times and it was golden. Ivy wanted to read through it and I said naw, it's golden. She said it would be a good idea just to go through it one more time before I posted it. Pppfffttt, it was all good.

Then Tenkar did his review, a generous review I might add. He said their were a handful of typos. There were, a handful by the second page. So back I went. I don't want others getting a typo filled adventure.

It's edited now. So if you downloaded a copy before 10pm last night you might want to get the newest one available. So my lesson learned for the day is, nothing is golden until the wife says so.


  1. Honest review Tim, that's all it was. There was no need to be generous.

    As for the typos, the beauty of PDFs is you don't need to destroy a print run to fix them ;)

  2. I didn't notice any typos, but I just got my copy a couple of hours ago, and am still enjoying the read.

  3. Read something enough and you stop seeing the words. My proofreaders and playtesters were finding "D'oh!"-level typos in Arcane Flavor and I've been reading and re-reading that thing for a year now.

  4. Always listen to the missus, well nearly always.

  5. "Pppfffttt, it was all good..."

    Famous last words.

    *Shakes head and smiles*

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Be glad you've got that wife to point out you ought to do another read-over. :)

  8. I'm super duper proud of you, babe. So glad you got your stuff out there for sale. Smooch.

  9. It is hard as hell to edit one's own work.

  10. Tim, I don't have a good email address for you - do you mind emailing me at

  11. Bought! Now just have to find the time to read it.

  12. Again, thanks to everyone for your support and good lucks. I will take as many as I can get. Those of you who got it I really do hope you enjoy it.
