
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3-9-11 Newbie Blogger Award

It's that time again.  Young little bloggers scurrying around wanting attention.  I've looked around and chose another excellent blog.  Again, I thought this blog had been around longer than it had.  I am speak of none other than The Jovial Priest.  He wrote a great blog about a silver based economy.  I completely agree with this and my world uses this.  And he is very active with comments and has a lot of great ideas.  So again, as always, please check out The Joval Priest and consider yourself blessed.


  1. Yeah! Congratz Priestly Dude!

    - Ark

  2. Much deserved! One of my personal favorites!

  3. Wow - I just stumbled onto this when checking your blog. When I saw the title I wondered who had won it this time - and it was ME!

    A high honour.

    I hope all who read my blog for the first time, find something they enjoy.

    Thank you Tim and thank you Happy Whisk, she was my last new follower before the award - maybe she put a good word in for me...

  4. Glad you like it Jovial. Well deserved. Happy Gaming. Happy Eating.
