
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Play Report for Knowledge Illuminates

Hey, I just read my first play through report for Knowledge Illuminates over at Professor Pope.  It was a lot of fun to see how he used it, altered it to suit his party and the ensuing mayhem.  I liked the special effect he gave the viz in the magical darkness.  Give it a read if your interested.  It's amazing how many times you roll a 1 when its a really bad time to do it.  Of course I don't think there is ever a good time to roll a 1.  But when you're dealing with fireballs it's really bad.  Thanks Professor Pope for sharing that.  Much appreciated. 


  1. I love the way he ended it! I thought I was going to have a PC death or two myself, this evening. They managed to survive, though. This time. :)

  2. Man, I like reading actual play reports. I may have to pick the adventure up now, as I find them even more entertaining if I know the scenario being discussed well.

  3. I'd like to pass on the Stylish Blogger Award to you (I explain why at: It is one of those awards with "rules" attached:

    1. Share seven things about yourself in a blog post
    2. Select at least one other blog you think deserves this award, and offer it to that blog
    3. Contact the blogger(s) you've selected and let them know about the award

    Of course, I'm sending this to you since I think your blog is cool and deserves it, so you are welcome to simply accept the award (just download the image from my page) and show it proudly on your blog even without following the three "rules" above – they're really there just for fun!
