
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Very Important Information

Know it.  Learn it.  And long live it. 


  1. YES. THANK YOU. Now it is all so clear.

    Paper disproves Spock made me laugh.
    ...I tried working one of these out for Pokemon but in the end that's just a massive lookup table with no such neat symmetry.

  2. LOL. I love it! So how do you make the lizard with your hand??

  3. "how do you make the lizard with your hand??"

    Is THAT what kids are calling it these days?

  4. I laughed for about 5 minutes (I mean, 5 full minutes, I was dying!) when I first saw it on The Big Bang Theory! Genial.

  5. Awesome. I was just explaining this one to my boys last night.

    I'll print this out and put it on the fridge for them!

  6. So all Penny has to do is pick paper every time?

  7. Oh, and Lizard is fingers together, tip of thumb meeting tips of the middle two fingers.

  8. Awesome! I'm going to print out multiple copies and distribute to my friends, so we can start competing!

  9. You know, I wonder where this idea came from, because the kibologists were playing this version on the ArkMOO at least five years ago, but I'm sure the rest of the world didn't get it from us.

    We also had an alternative to RPS that we never worked out hand-signs for (Robot crushes -> Republican rewrites -> Constitution outlaws -> Robot).

  10. I might be on the short list of folks who heard about this before Big Bang Theory.

  11. I personally like ThinkGeek's interpretation of the RPSLS diagram:

    ThinkGeek RPSLS Shirt
