
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Way to go Dr. Rotwang!

The other day Dr. Rotwang was panicking because he could not find his WORLD BUILDER'S GUIDEBOOK!  With a little direction from Gratuitous Saxon Violence, Dr. Rotwang soon found it...over there...under that thing.  I read it laughed because my wife calls me the 'worst looker forer ever'.  Then it hit me.  World Builder's Guidebook?  What the hell is that?  I don't have one.  I don't even have one to lose.  So off I go to eBay and I found a roughed up copy for a fair price.  Then while I was looking around I found The Compleat Adventurer.  Never heard of that one either that I remember.  And how could I not buy it?  It's a hardcover.  So with only a little over $21 points of damage to the wallet I came away with what I think will be two very interesting supplements I'd never seen before.  So thank you Dr. Rotwang for being so careless with your book.  Because you lost yours, I found mine.

Sounds like one of those horrible after school specials.  The only one of those I remember is Scott Baio playing a teen-ager who was an alcoholic and after a drinking binge fell to his knees on his friend's floor and urinated all over himself.  It was a special moment.


  1. Never heard of the Compleat Adventurer? I did a whole week or two worht of posts on that sucker a while back! Jeez!

  2. Lurker: Hahahaha. Thanks for the morning laugh.

  3. That's one of my favorite Baio moments too! There's just so many...

  4. JB > I just goggled your blogs about the Compleat Adventurer. I thought maybe I had missed them. As a matter of fact I did not except they were written nearly a year ago today. While my memory stores important facts about trolls, the price of a healing potion and the armor class of a type 2 demon, it did not keep those two, year old blogs from the dusty part of my mind. My apologies. :P

    Lurker > Don't make me come over there and bend on of the guns on your miniatures.

    Whisk > Laugh it up there girlie. I know where you live.

    Ragnorakk > It was a special moment to see Chachi peeing on himself.

  5. I recommend Gary Gygax's Insidiae as a companion hardcover to any collection of books on world building.

  6. The World Builder's Guidebook is probably my all-time favorite DM's resource. I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Make that: "all-time favorite 2e era DM's resource."

  8. Doc > I will check it out after dinner. Thanks for the heads up.

    sirlarkins > So what is you all time favorite across all eras?

  9. Hmm, that's a tougher one.

    When I was first learning to run games, I probably got the most use out of the (also 2e era) Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide. Lots of great tips for running games, organizing campaigns, and several sample dungeons (all paragons of Gygaxian naturalism, no less) that I made much use of in those early days. Terrible title, though.

    Another good, generic resource is Robin's Laws of Good Gaming. His latest release, Hamlet's Hit Points, is in my "to be read" pile.

    However, I'd say all in all I got the majority of my GMing advice and got the most GMing resources out of Dragon magazine back in the day.
