
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Update on Starter Adventures

One of the newest pictures I've received.
I think we are in the 7th inning stretch.  I think.  John and Jason from UNDERWORLD INK have been producing some great pictures.  I can't wait to get to the layout phase and see how their pictures, Rob's maps and my text blend together.  Ivy is going over the manuscript now.  When I asked her how the edits were going she said "There aren't too many crappy parts.  We'll talk later."  So I have to look forward to.

The entire manuscript is divided up as such:
16 total scenarios (4 for each class): 9128 word count
Tavern: 2011 word count
Dungeon Crawl: 4526

So the word count as of now is 15,665.  I have to admit I am not all that happy with the tavern right now.  That will be altered before it his print.  So with the addition of pictures and maps it is a fairly good sized project.  I have no idea at this time what the page count will be, I know I will be keeping it under 64, but other than that I gots no idea. 

I plan on releasing this one on PDF and print soft and hard cover.  I just have to have a hardcover version for myself and I plan on getting hardcovers for the guys who've helped.  Like I said it would be a quick update.

But no rest for the wicked.  While I wait for the others to finish their stuff I begin working on my next One-Shot adventure.  I already have the outline for the adventure.  I'm excited about hitting the book store and working on it.


  1. Hey now, funny man.

    And just think ... once we get this project ready for sale, you'll get to blue pencil the crap out of my manuscript.


  2. Tim, I'm very much looking forward to this!
