
Monday, June 13, 2011

Random Ramblings and Game Night

So I get up this morning not feeling so swell, read a few blogs and choke down a slice and then two peices of toast.  Dog is wild, jumping around grabbing everything including my damn socks.  I'm thinking, man dog, not the socks.  Feed the dog, kiss the wife and head out the door with slightly moist socks.  It's only Monday and I am already snarling at the week.  It could be worse and it does.

Tonight is gaming night, but the last one with our crew of four.  Rusty need to bow out for a while.  Maybe something can be worked out, but he's got his got stuff to do right now and gaming is way low on that priority list.  Has to be.  Real life, annoying as it is, stands in the front of the line and gaming has to be patient. 

Rob, Dwayne and I will continue on with another campaign although I am not sure when or which one.  I think its my turn to GM, but who knows.  Out of all of us I GM the least.  Rusty just started us into the Splinters of Faith adventure series.  Rolondo will need to retire before he's realized.  Then this got me to thinking about old characters and some recent blogs I've read about not bothering to name a character because they will be rolling up a new one.  In a later blog I plan on going over some of my old characters that I remember.  Should be a cool walk down memory lane.  I am not one who retells character stories over and over again so taking a look back should be fun.

Lunchtime  is over.  Time to return to work and get some stuff done.  There is gamng tonight.  Which is good.  I go home to a good wife.  Which is the best.  And my socks are now dry.  Which is a bonus.


  1. That post title is an anagram of 'Rad Ramblings. Nom.' Highly appropriate.

  2. Well, the first part of the title, obviously. Obviously to everyone except me.

  3. As for the rest, the best I can do in a couple of minutes is 'Nad mange hit. G.' That's a good reason to miss a games night.

  4. Good wife, gaming night, and dry socks -- can't ask for much more than that, no matter how tough other things in life may get. :)

  5. I couldn't play a character without a name or personality in good faith, even if I knew I'd have no chance of the character surviving. There's no thrill in victory for a hollow set of numbers, and avoiding the pain of losing a developed PC isn't worth that price.

  6. Roasted chicken in the oven now. Smooch, smooch, smooch.
