
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Bit Pissed

Last night I had about an hour or so to work on campaign background.  I was typing away, things were coming quickly and I liked it.  I should have known it was going too well.  Then I went to close a website I was using to do a little research, instead I hit my Word document.  I was thinking, I don't want to close this.  Then the old yes or no question popped up on the screen (Would you like save?) and instead of answering that question it asked, I answered the one in my head.  I answered 'no'.............


  1. That sucks! I hope you weren't to far into things to recreate it.

  2. That sucks, accidents like that kept me away from computers during he 80's and into the early 90's. While I missed the stone age of PCs, I don't feel at too much of a loss.

  3. I F-ing hate when that happens! It's happened a few times in my life, and you never forget those moments of the loss of a creation. It's sort of like losing an offspring...well, not quite as bad but you get the idea. Sorry for your loss.

  4. Damn. I am sure your autosave feature for Word should have saved it for you in a weird autosave name file...

  5. I'm sure it doesn't help that so many programs ask you the converse question; "Are you sure you want to quit without saving?" It seems like a pretty easy mistake to make from time to time.

  6. Happened to more times than I like. Lost a half a day at work when the Motion Control software I was using not only failed to save my work but wiped out the original file.

  7. Been there and done that, sorry to hear it though.

  8. BTW, go make a backup of your thumb drive right now. All we need now another is one of those to get trashed.

  9. Open Word again.

    Then OPEN....

    It should list the last few things you worked on.

    Most if not all of it should be there.

    Unless you never saved it anywhere. Which should be the first thing you always do...

  10. Man that really bites. I hope Captain Oblivious' solution works for you.

  11. Argh! I can relate.

    It's why I've moved some projects onto web-based storage - USB keys can be easily lost or damaged.

  12. Graduate school conditioned me to save every couple of minutes. I don't even think about it any more. It was a lesson I learned the hard way, though. You should try Captain Oblivious's suggestion.
