
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Completed My Collection

One of my favorite book series is Thieves World.  They also released a series of six graphic novels.  I bought the first three when they first came out, but never could find the last three.  I kept forgetting about them then recently I took another look at them, hopped on ebay and scored the remaining three I needed.

If you are a fan of the series I highly recommend them.  Tim Sale's art style really compliments the tone of Sanctuary. 


  1. I'd never even heard of these before.

    Thanks for the info!

  2. Those look pretty sweet. Where is the PDF or Comixology version eh?

  3. I'm a big fan of Thieves' World, but I never really got into much past the first six books. Fortunately, I was able to replace those six with the first two Sci Fi Book Club compilations from the 80s. My paperbacks were getting a little ratty.

  4. I loved the books! Shadowspawn was my favorite character.
