
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sick or Not, the Game Must Go On

Well, not my game.  I Cancelled last night's game and tonight's game.  Feeling better, going to work, but that's about all the strength I can manage, plus with the Whisk down I need to find her weird shows to watch.  Last night was a marathon of Extreme Couponers off of YouTube.  Man, some of those people are a bit, wow.

Anyway, gaming news at the manor.  Lots of great stuff has been coming out.  Still reading through Weird Adventures.  I plan on doing a more in depth review soon when I can sit at my computer for more than five minutes without passing out.  I read it and keep imagining all the cool characters I want to play.  Someone please DM this soon!

I also got Christian's Lovitar issue 7.  I had it for about 10 minutes before bug also found it.  Needless to say, issue #7 got its ass kicked.  A forest full of basilisks is no match for The Bug.  She keeps this up I am going to need to stat her up just below the tarrasque.  Despite Loviatar's apparent vulnerability to the Bug, I renew my subscription.  Damn zine is too fun to miss.  If you have the funds treat yourself.

Then to my surprice Jason Sholtis released his new zine, Zogorion Lord of Hippogriffs.  It looks to be an adventure module featuring Jason's great artwork including on kick ass map.  At $2 the artwork is more than worth that.  And if anyone follows Jason's new Dungeon Dozen blog you know its going to be a crazy adventure.

And lastly I got off the snide about ordering Land of Nod.  I got my first issue, issue #5 because that's the one about Medieval Mining, and I am really enjoying it.  I plan on scooping up more soon.

Okay, I am late for work.  Just for the record, Tuesdays suck in general.


  1. Sorry to hear your still feeling under the weather. It's the time of year for those things.

    Anyway, I hope to run an online game set in Weird Adventures world (and in person too with my crew here), but I've got to get my new computer set up and a few work things out of the way. You'll be well by then. :)

    Zogorion had me at the awesome cover and Land of Nod (I'm convinced Matt's productivity may be indicative of hypomania, but hey, it's working in our favor) and Loviatar are always great bets.

  2. Hope you get feeling better soon. Nothing worse than missing out on fun for an illness (work, on the other hand....)

    And thanks for the tip on the two blogs. Guess I have to start finding some more spare change each month.

  3. My copy of Zogorion is winging its way across The Pond as we speak, and the latest Loviatar arrived this morning ;-) Hooray for 'zines!

    Hope you and Ivy get better soon.

  4. I ordered a copy, too. Man, I can't wait!

  5. I was going to comment, but realized I didn't have much of anything to say, so I decided not to, but then realized I was 10 points away from being tied for second place on the leaderboard. So...

    Well, I don't consider Tuesdays so bad. As far as days of the week go, I like it better than Monday.

  6. LOL Zanazaz, you are hilarious! I ordered a copy as well, cannot wait to read it!
