
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cancellations and Anniverseries at the Manor

A lull in the game scape at the Manor this week.  Last night's game was cancelled because one player had another commitment and I have been slammed at work the last few weeks and just needed to rest.  I spend my days talking to people all day at work and sometimes when I get home I don't want to say a word.  I was going to add a Whisk joke here, but I don't think she would find it funny and she would hit me when I wasn't expecting it.

Wednesday I had to cancel for Trey's Weird Adventures game because it is mine and Whisk's 8th Wedding Anniversery.  Very cool and looking forward to spending the day with her doing whatever.  So no gaming that night.  I'd hate to be castrated on my anniversery.  Any day for that matter. 

So what's going on?  Not all gaming activities have stopped.  The Manor is in its final leg.  Whisk is finishing a recipe and the final article I'm waiting for.  This is one instance I with I was doing a nice color zine to add one of her food pictures.  I plan on doing proofs this week.  Send copies to second readers than off to everyone in blog land.  Oh, and my mother wants a copy.  She won't understand a word of it, but she needs to have a copy of whatever I write. 

I recently cracked open my old Tunnels & Trolls.  Just to read.  I like randomly picking things off the shelf to read.  With Tenkar's gift I wanted to refresh myself on the rules.  I looked through the adventures that I bought from Ken St. Andre at Origins last year.  Fun stuff.

Lunch is over.  Time for me to return to the pepper mines.  The salt mines are so yesterday.


  1. Congratulations on reaching 8th level as a couple. :)

  2. Almost at Name Level!

    I hope you get 00 on the follower table with you keep. Pegasus Knights would Rock.

  3. Congrats on the anniversary you two! I've not had a game night for the past several weeks myself. With all the colds, craziness at work, and business travel, I haven't felt quite like gaming. I tell you, that crud I picked up in Kosovo took quite a while to get over ;(. At any rate, I'm incredibly excited to check out The Manor!

  4. Putting a recipe in your next adventure? That's a great idea! I post "gamer grub" posts from time to time and wish I had thought of that before publishign Pilz! Looking forward to it!

  5. "the salt mines are so yesterday."

    Hahahaha. Yes, they are.

  6. Congrats on eight years! Hope you have a happy anniversary, and I wish you guys a bunch more!

  7. Congrats on your anniversary! I can understand not wanting to talk when getting home from work.

  8. Congrats to you crazy kids! Here's to the best blogging couple on the web!
