
Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Cover, New Art, New Edits

I'll be doing the layout for Knowledge Illuminates with Dylan's artwork.  I love that part.  But you know what I found when I started doing that?  It would be weird if you did.  I discovered all my edits I had done previously to the release on print had not been saved.  With all my astute observationary skills I failed to notice the difference.  I was editing it during a storm and we had brown outs (stills sounds like something a lactose kid has after eating a big bowl of cereal) and my program blipped off a couple of times.  And don't ask me about auto save.  I got no clue.  Got it set up to save every third of a milli second. 

You know what?  Again, it would be weird if you did.  I think that was the night my computer speakers died.  My Boston Acoustics that I've transferred to each new computer since '95.  Anyway...

I am redoing the re-edits of the relaunch KI.  I do like this part of the process.  The edits should take a little time, but then putting the pictures with the text is very exciting.  Seeing it come together.  Again, Dylan Hartwell's art has its own distinct style that I enjoy and is gonna look fantastic in the pages of the adventure.  I've already completed the new cover and I think it looks great. 

On a side note.  I think the cover stock dudes are being a little smarmy.  The card stock is like |--| that much shorter.  They're shaving the card stock like thieves shave coins.  Bastards.

Anyway, edits and layout for KI should be finished this morning.  Then this afternoon I'm hitting the bookstore and getting some serious work on the next Manor. 

New copies should be shooting out on Monday.  I want to get them in the mail before Tuesday cause there is no mail.  Thanks to everyone who has bought a copy.  You'll be getting a new one and those who have been patient (Carter!) for the revised version.