
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Project Idea...Sending Up an OSR Flare

As if I didn't have enough to do. 

I've been thinking about this idea for a while.  I want to do a magazine of gaming, short stories.  Yeah I know, fiction doesn't do all that well in the OSR, but I'm too damn stubborn not to do it.  I won't go into any details because I have none.  Why do I want to do this?  'Cause I like to read.  I think it might be interesting to collect a bunch of gaming stories from folks I know.

Let me know what you think.  And really let me know if you'd be interested in contributing.  

Where most of us will probably read it.


  1. I think it is a great idea and would love to contribute. That being said fiction is surprisingly disliked it seems by gamers. I remember several threads in the Acaeum, Dragonsfoot and elsewhere on the general dislike of fiction in gaming material.

    I remember the old TSR releases of Dragontales quite fondly and I enjoyed several of the earlier stories in Dragon mag (namely Gardner Fox's Niall stories).

    If you do a fiction zine I will definitely pick up a copy.

    1. I know, I get the same vibe that most gamers are not too friendly towards fiction even though most of us are avid readers.

  2. I used to love those old stories in the Dragon (not just the Niall ones, but also the more light-hearted, slapstick ones about mythical OTT D&D campaigns), so I'd read something along those lines.

    What I detest is poorly-written, self-important "stories" masquerading as "background fluff" or "introductions to..." in rules books (yes, White Wolf, I'm looking at you - take out the hack writing and their books would have been pamphlet-sized).

    1. Ha, I know exactly what your talking about. I've edited a few fiction magazines in my day and I'll be open to contributions, but just because someone submitted does not mean it will get in.

  3. For several years I've been thinking of eventually soliciting short story contributions from within the OSR for a Weird Tales style volume of fantasy, science fiction and horror stories - the types of fiction that inspired role playing to begin with.

    So, I'm very enthusiastic about such a project, although I have a tremendous dislike for 'gaming fiction' and I'd advise against going that route - what makes for good gaming material seldom (if ever) makes for good fiction.

    I'm surprised to hear that fiction doesn't do well in the OSR. All of the community members that I correspond with tend to be voracious readers, and 'Appendix N' is always a popular topic for blog posts, so I would have thought that there would be a lot of support for such a venture.

    1. Sean then I may enlist your help in this. Anthology like this takes a small group of dedicated folks. As far as OSR not like fiction, I've read several times where it is not liked even though everyone doe the Appendix N. While we probably won't score anything to compete with Leiber or Tolkien, we can still set a standard for good stories.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'd be interested and I'd be willing to contribute. Aos over at The Metal Earth probably would, too.

  5. I'll contribute at some point but I have nothing at this time, except for one unfinished Tekumel story that you can see the beginning of here:

    1. Brett, I've got no timeline for this project yet. This was just me seeing interest. There are three projects I need to finish before I can think of it. I'm hoping to get it rolling before the end of summer. But until then, get something finished!

  6. I would be willing to contribute as well. I have always viewing gaming as a stepping stones to writing.

    1. Gaming got me into reading which then led me to writing. I hated reading and writing before that, so I absolutely agree with you. And like Trey, I hold you to for a contribution.

  7. late to the party but count me in ;)

    1. Late? I'm just talking about the party. Haven't planned it. Haven't had it yet. So you are way early. You also are counted.

  8. I'm interested as well! I think I have a story or two I wouldn't be too embarrased to show the world ;-)

  9. I think I could come up with a contribution as well. I'll volunteer my proof-reading skills as well.

  10. Very interested in submitting short fiction to your zine. Never to old to start a string of rejection letters :)

  11. Interesting idea. Just the other day I thought I wouldn't mind trying my hand at short story writing.

  12. I'd like to do some illustration and possibly some writing.

    1. Paul, I hadn't though of illustrations, but I think that would be fantastic.

  13. Tim,

    I'd be down for doing a story and some art if needed. I dabble in writing but have not gotten it out there (art has been taking up most of my creative efforts) and it'd be nice to polish my other creative outlets a bit.

    1. Excellent Johnathan. You are a double threat. Once those ballet classes kick in you'll be a triple threat.

  14. Keep me posted. I can write something for it.

    1. Will do Andrew. Once I get a few of the projects off my plate I'll announce more details.

  15. I wouldn't say it's universally of the reason I hung on to my old WH40K codexes after each edition change was for the short fiction "fluff" pieces they contained. I generally can't stomach an entire novel of GW fiction (or any RPG really), but short-stories are okay.

    But I mean REAL short...not an entire "here was our adventure in the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth with Benny the Berserker" novella. Humorous (or dramatic or tragic) scenes or shots of gaming would be neat. And fun to read if spiced with enough variety.

    Plus it's fun to see how different players and DMs play the game.

    I'd probably be interested in contributing, if you're doing this project. I can't vouch for the quality of the submission, however (I'm not really a fiction writer).

    [BTW...if it's an on-going publication you're doing then reading INSTALLMENTS of Benny the Berserker's campaign over several issues would be fine]

    1. Good to hear JB. I'm not sure if this will be on going. I've recruited a small group to help out. These type of projects always end up being more work than expected.

  16. I'd be interested in contributing.

    As for not liking fiction, or gaming fiction...I usually steer clear of it because many people do fall into a trap of narrating an adventure, or putting the game before the story.
    Years ago someone posted a story on the Greyhawk AOL board about a paladin & his steed. It was about a page of text. It skims over the adventures the paladin had, and how he'd finally ended up in a temporal stasis in the ToEE. After an unknown period of time he escapes and finds his horse still waiting. The horse leads him to water, food, etc, and finally takes him home to the Shield Lands. And disappears. The paladin had been trapped so long the horse died, but its spirit kept waiting for him, to take him home.

    That's my idea of a great gaming story. It's immersed in a setting, it's true to the game, but most importantly, it's true to being a story. (And it's a great prologue: Iuz overran the Shield Lands while the paladin was trapped, so while the horse does bring him home, home has been burned and the people scattered. The paladin has some work to do.)

    Longest comment ever?

    1. The story is in Best of Greyhawk 9, BTW.
      It's by KHYRIC, and is called "He Came Upon A Midnite Clear". Posted Christmas, 1995.

  17. I'm interested as well. please keep me in the loop...

  18. If gamers don't like fiction, then how is it that they "know" so much about Howard? Or Lovecraft? Or Ashton Smith? Or Hoffman Price?

    Shall I continue with that list?

    Perhaps they just don't like the fiction that's been turned out by "hacks" in recent years. Does the pseudonym T. H. Lain ring a bell? Some of those were pure junk.

    I'd like to see such a magazine and would even be willing to contribute.
