
Thursday, September 19, 2013

I'm Impressed

I've got to say I am very impressed with two of my Monday night gaming goobs.  +Rob Conley has recently reorganized a ton of very useful posts.  The post about it is here and the actual page with all of Rob's Stuff in the Attic page is back there where I said Stuff in the Attic.

The second gaming goob of note is +Ken Harrison, his detailed account of his Montporte campaign is amazing.  I've never seen such detailed notes.  It makes me was to be a better GM *sniff sniff*.  He's got details of all the aspects of the game.  Game notes, cosmology, magic items, creatures and the maps.  Wow.  Very impressive.  Here is a link to the Montporte Campaign, grab a drink and a peanut butter sandwich cause there is a lot to check out.

I guess I should add a third to our gaming good crew, +Chris Bard who manages to capture all the inappropriate and funny things we say.  He must be bust cause we are pretty damn funny.  Even if only we think so.  That still counts.  Here is a link to all the Soundbites of us playing a typical game on a Monday Night.

And as an extra that has nothing to do with what I wrote about.  ThinkGeek has a very cool set of Rock, Paper, Scissor, Lizard, Spock dice and bag.   It would be over $25 with the shipping.  Too much for me, but I'll have to keep an eye out for this one.  I really dig the bag that comes with it. 

Oh, and I made a new sign for our game night.  I'm home today because of a migraine and this was the first I was able to sit up.  So first thing I thought about doing was making a sign.   So here's your sign. 


  1. Cool sign, Tim. Sorry to hear about the migraine -- that really sucks. Glad you can sit up again at least. That's something. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Oh, and I definitely agree -- both Rob's and Ken's posted materials are amazing.

    1. Things are going well now. And both Ken and Rob did a great job. They make me feel like a slouch.

    2. Thanks, Chris. I definitely learned a lot by playing in Rob's campaign and watching how he handled information for the players.

  2. Absolutely great stuff, Tim. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.

    My mother used to suffer from migraines something awful. The doctors finally found out -- after years -- that sugar caused most of it. Hope you find help for yourself soon.

    All the best.

    1. I believe sugar is the reason I got this one. I'm finding out what other things are causing them, but its taking me longer to than I would like. Thanks.

  3. Hope the migraine sorts itself out. I shall check the links later, when I have a mo.

    1. Please check them out. There is a lot of good stuff waiting behind those links.

    2. Oh man, that just makes me wholly inadequate and a total slacker! That's some mighty fine work there.

  4. Thanks, Tim. I am humbled by your compliment (no sarcasm).

    1. I am glad you are feeling a bit better. Nothing fun about a migraine.

    2. Seriously Ken, it is very impressive with the detailed notes you've kept and the ease of finding the information. I need to reread some of the posts because I know I'm missing a few vital bits of info.

  5. Rob's stuff is really impressive.

  6. Glad you're feeling better, Tim. You KNOW I feel for you, man.
    And dang it, you've made me look at Ken and Rob's gaming stuff. I try to avoid their pages because it usually makes me feel like a talentless piker.

    1. I'm getting a little inferiority complex also, but Ken would say that's the way it should be.

    2. That is why I keep forgetting when it is your turn during the Monday night sessions.

  7. I like having a sign. I take it as a sign.
