
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Little Laminated Project Maps

I've been drawing maps on 4" x 6" note cards.  Then recently I released Execution Corner as a quick location based on one of the maps.  I liked how it worked.  I was messing with the write up and wondered if I could fit it on the back of the note card.  Map on front info on the back.

The Sharpies bled through the note cards.  Printing on the back would look bad and unreadable.  So I printed the descriptions on a second note card.  It's an 8 font, tiny, but I still think readable.  I couldn't figure out how to combine the two.  Then my better half suggest I laminate them together.  Fricking brilliant.  I don't have a lamination machine...but work does.

I scored the lamination machine at work. 

There is a hand drawn map on front and description on back.  This particular on is a two set map.  Outside the mine entrance and the second is a map of the inside.  I placed the two note cards back to back and put them through the machine and wa la, I have a single, sturdy little adventure.  Can spill water on it, mark it and erase.  I think it's pretty cool.

I'm sending out a few out to random folks.  I don't have many maps and each one is unique.  No copies are made.  There will only be one of what I send out.

I don't think much will come of this, but its a cool exercise.  Playing with the presentation of an adventure and I learned how to use the lamination machine.  Might just have to add that to office equipment I need. 


  1. Good idea. If you're going to leave priceless collectibles for posterity, you might as well make them durable. :)

  2. ha, I guess so. So when the future gamers dig one up they can grab some dice and play 33,000 years from now.

  3. My wife nabbed me a laminator at Staples on Black Friday. It was about $30 after rebate. Score.

  4. Those are pretty cool, neat idea.

  5. Being able to print on notecards has been a handy thing for me. Great idea Tim!

  6. Better halves are often right about these sorts of things I find. This turned out great. Very cool indeed.

  7. These are very cool. You could do them as geomorphs.
