
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lamination Time

Friday I had a mini contest of map voting and commenting.  +Ben L.  and +Brett Slocum won maps because there was a tie.  So they will get my laminated map with description on the back.  Here's Ben's before lamination.

Then I put these two back to back and laminate them together.

Yup, looks exactly the same except in plastic and for that reason alone makes it cooler.  I'd show you Brett's, but I already put it in the envelop.  They're going in the mail tomorrow.  As well as your order Ben, thanks!


  1. I read it as "Lamentation Time" and was wondering if Raggi had somehow infiltrated The Manor ;)

  2. Odd, I read it as "Lamentation Time" also.

  3. So then, if you put plastic on Death Frost Doom does it become Lamination of the Flame Princess?

  4. Orc: Groan. Triple-dog groan. I applaud you.
