
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Appendix N+

A while back I had an idea to do a fiction anthology.  New fiction from gamer dudes to add their own flare to an Appendix N style stories.  While I considered the idea I didn't do much about it.  Then +Sean Robson asked if he could run with the idea.  Absolutely.  Collecting and editing a fiction anthology takes a ton of time and dedication.  Since I've been working on The Manor and adventure I didn't have near enough the spare time, nor the skill set to make it successful.  Sean took it upon himself to make it happen.  Titanic effort.  Libram Mysterium is the result.

Inside you'll find 13 stories of dark fantasy.  And the stories are accompanied by artwork from +Chris Conklin.  The result, it has a pulp era feel is, I believe, what Sean was going for.  The stories are good, very good.  All enhanced by the deft eye of the editor.

There are dozens of new gaming supplements that come out every week.  They get support in varying degrees.  I'd like to see some people get behind Libram Mysterium and support new fiction that is written with Appendix N in mind.  Sean is offering it in PDF format and in softcover print.

If you like weird, dark fiction (if you don't I'm not sure why your reading my blog) then grab a copy or two of Libram Mysterium.  Then spread the word.  It's worth talking about.

You can find Pulp Mill Press here.  You can find project updates there.  I believe this was the first volume of three to be released.  So if you have a fiction bug check out the page for announcements of the next volume. 


  1. Thanks for the plug, Tim. I'm really proud of this book and of everyone who was involved in it. There are some truly first-class stories in this volume.

    Thanks, also, for getting the ball rolling on this project. Even though I'd wanted to do something like this for a long time, I would likely never have gotten around to it if you hadn't provided the push that got me going.

    You were quite right about the amount of work that would be required to see this through; the learning curve was steep and I made a few missteps while climbing it. The ball is rolling now, though, and I plan to open to submissions for Volume 2 in the next few weeks.

    Depending on the interest and support, I hope to extend Libram Mysterium beyond the three volume set we had initially discussed and publish at least one volume per year and create an ongoing series of pulpy goodness.

  2. I picked up a pdf of this it looks really cool. Love the emphasis on pulp style action. Thanks for the effort in putting this together!
