
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

D&D Next, My First Session

Last night Rob Conley ran a 5e session.  It's the first time we played the system since its 'release'.  We played two or three sessions in various stages of the playtest.

We used Roll20 and Google Hangouts.  They had 5e character sheets for Roll20.  There were very cool, some of the buttons didn't work, but over all it helped.  The only problem I had was the sheet covered the map.  So I had to keep closing/shrinking then reopen it.  It would be great if Roll20 could get to where we could use two screens.

The game itself, was a lot of fun.  I'm really liking the new D&D.  I am making my peace with the short/long rest and second wind mechanics.  While not a fan of it I can work with it.  I'm just having fun with it and working it into my strategies when I play.

I like the skill system.  And I think the advantage and disadvantage are good game mechanics.  Simple and effective. 

Last night we were ambushed by four goblins.  The two mages were immediately taken out of the fight.  The next round our fighter barely made it.  My rogue got a minor wound.  We could have easily been TPKed within two rounds.  By goblins!

One of the things that helped save our hides is using my Persuasion skill.  I convinced the goblins that more were coming and they should run.  That stunned them long enough for our fighter to second wind and then engage.  And I was able to get a couple arrows into goblin flesh.

So the combat was dangerous, fun and there were enough options to make it interesting. 

So two thumbs up for me.  D&D 5e so far is a good thing.


  1. I am glad you had a great time! I look forward to playing very soon. :)

  2. I remember when goblins were scary...

    1. It's been many years since I thought that. It was great getting worried over them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You think the goblins are bad? Watch out for those frikkin [insert creature that may or may not be a spoiler]! :)

    - Ark

    1. ha, I read it Ark. No worries. It seems we'll level quickly.

  5. It's interesting hearing about how deadly the new came can be at low levels. I need to be careful in designing the first adventure in my new game!

    1. Yeah, it was interesting how deadly they were. When the goblins were shooting at us they were getting +6 to hit. So they were going to hit my miserable 14 AC 60% of the time.

  6. My impression of reading rules was that it was decidedly undeadly (even at low-levels) and throughout had strong theme of "PC's are precious and shall not suffer permanent harm, let alone death.

    Max hp at 1st level, at 0hp must fail a 50/50 save 3 times before you actually die, spells to auto-pass those saves, starting at 3rd level spells bring characters back from death, nothing that is permanent (ability loss, level drain, hp loss).

    But, easily tweekable. Disallow various spells, perm loss of one ability point if you fail 2 death saves and/or come back from death. Makes death something to fear and avoid while providing a bit of "forgiveness".

    1. That was my initial feeling also. A bit patty-cake. So many ways to heal. But those goblins could have easily taken out the four of us.

  7. Yeah Tim, my impression were pretty much the same as yours. The game ended up having the potential to be much more deadly than you would think just from reading the rules. Which is a good thing, since I'm a tabletop adrenaline junkie.
