
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Investigative Adventures

I've been reading a bit about adventure structure in various books.  While I can whip out a fantasy d20 adventure with very little pain, I'm working on a different type of adventure.  It's an investigative adventure.  In most fantasy adventures the main action is combat.  In this type of adventure it will be information gathering.

I've been reading Exoterrorists, GURPS Mystery and I have a few shows I plan to watch just to get a visual structure. 

Forwhateverreason, this is what has my off time attention.  If any of you have a interesting read on that kind of subject please let me know.

On another front: I released my 8th micro-adventure.  I'm creating something fun for my Patreon supporters. 

And the 7th Manor is done except for the introduction   Then off to my excellent ediitors.

I did that on purpose.  Really.


  1. I wrote a post a ways back about running mysteries you might find useful.

  2. My very first bit of professional game writing was on this topic. I look forward to seeing what yo do with it. :)

  3. Take a look at Pelgrane Press' Lorefinder which combines Pathfinder with the Gum Shoe engine, and can be tweaked to work with old school games.
    Adventure design and game preparation takes time, but may be well worth the effort.
    Or you just knick a few ideas from the supplement.

  4. I will second the recommendation of Lorefinder, and the game Trail of Cuthulu that inspires it. A large part of the Trail of Cuthulu rulebook is all about how to run investigation scenarios. Their general take is: it is not about finding the clues, but rather what you do with them, and how you interpret them.
    As such, finding the clues is easy, and not tied to dice rolling. If you look in the right area and have the proper skill, you get the clue. It is however possible to spend character resources to gain additional insights and bonuses associated with finding a clue.
