
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Mail Call: Part 2, Revenge of the Old School

These came in the mail yesterday also, but I didn't want other gamers throwing themselves off of dice towers in a wave of jealousy. 

I found these on eBay.  Very happy to have scored them. 

I had the Rouges Gallery when I was a little puke, but somewhere it went missing.  This one is marked up a bit, highlighted a bit, but I wanted a copy to go with the rest of my stuff.

Lankmar, it took my a while to get my hands on this one.  I tried to score other copies on ebay, two times the person I bought it from did not deliver and a third time I was outbid with minutes to go.  Going to read through and may need to start collecting the Lankmar supplements. 

The Book of Lairs.  I don't think I ever had the first one.  I've had the 2nd one since I was a little puke.  Again, got this one to fill a whole in my collection and I want to get some good ideas.  Really, these were the first micro-adventures I remember and where I got the idea from.

Ebay treated me well this time around.  


  1. Too bad, throwing myself off the tower right noooooooo........

  2. There are two version of the Lankhmar book. This looks the first edition which I remember as the better of the two. Did you get ther map-book with it?

    1. Yeah, got two big maps and the map book. Never thought about them being in there. Whew.

  3. BTW I'm getting rid of a bunch extra modules and such that are bit too beat-up for ebay. Let me know if you want any of them and I can send a care package your way.

    1. Google+ message sent. I don't think I've ever turned down an adventure module...unless it had poo on it.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks. I thought so. Got them all from the same dude.

  5. I lucked into that Lankhmar book at a used game shop a few years back. There are a lot of cool little bits in it. I seem to remember rules for rooftop chases in it. At least I think it was in that book.

    1. Rooftop chases?! Oh yeah. I know what I'm doing next adventure.
