
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Manor #7 Line Up

I shared this last night and thought I'd share you the cover model of issue #7 drawn by the deft hand of +Jim Magnusson.  He drew a batch of fantastic interior art also.

Inside this issue of the Manor is a lot of contributions from all sorts of folks.  I've been getting more offers from people who want to contribute and I'm very cool with that.  It's been interesting to see what folks are offering.  I've got things already lines up for issue #8.  Here's what's in this issue so far (there may be more by the time I get through with it).

+Boric Glanduum wrote, Boltswitch's Mobile Potion Emporium.  A grand introduction by a gnome that has some libations to sell to your character with lots of flair and a heavy dose of flattery.

+Johua De Santo add his spin on the Skinwalker class.  Specifically the coyote.   This is a very cool take and I can see using this one for many different genres beyond fantasy.

+Chris C. wrote the featured piece, Mirror, Mirror.  Miraboth the Mercurial Mirror Master of Meezan-Abeem is on the cover and nine of his mirrors are suited to hang on the walls of any campaign.  Well, a wall of a very dark room.

+Simon Forster, one of the map masters of the OSR has included a micro-adventure, Trouble Down the Well.  Very concise and very cool.  Another great adventure that takes minutes to prepare for.

And +j garrison adds an bug ridden adventure called, Horrid Caves.  He even did the art for this one.  I just laid out this adventure last night and it's good.  Very good.

There is one more small piece I'm waiting to add from +Ken H.  But if you notice I didn't even make it into my own zine.  So because I am master and commander of the Manor I think I'm going to add a little space so I can get something in there.  So many great contributions.  So little space.

A huge thanks to all these guys for offering to contribute and making the Manor even a better zine.  I appreciate it. 


  1. Looks good, Babe. Nice to see
    you having fun with this.

    PS: I didn't eat your slice
    of cake. Yet.


  2. cake sounds great! and so does this badass zine I just stumbled on. How do I get ahold of it??

  3. Looking forward to this one

