
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Map Comparisons: What Do You Think?

I was messing around with one of my more recent maps.  The one pictured below.

One of my typical maps.  But then I ran it through program using Distort then Dents.

I like how it blends in the gray mist area with the cliff and how the water and trees get dispersed.  It looks a little more realistic to me in a way.  I don't know, just thought it looked cool. 


  1. I've always liked your cliffsides but this makes them really interesting. It's almost a tie in my mind between how cool both of them are. As for the trees I like the new look trees. Maybe you can try keeping the old cliffsides and just washing out the trees?

  2. Please stick to the pencils. Your choice of course but the computer colored one looks like a weather map.

  3. I like your pencils. I do like the way the computer swirled the colors a little more than you are probably able to do in the trees and water, made it looked pretty neat but other than that, your pencils are far superior.

  4. Overlay the pencils on the version so that you still have contrast and detail.

  5. I'm liking this touch - perhaps to be added sparsely in certain contexts - but overall I prefer the pencils. That said, you should create what you want/like to!

  6. I'm liking this touch - perhaps to be added sparsely in certain contexts - but overall I prefer the pencils. That said, you should create what you want/like to!

  7. The pencilled one looks sharper and better.
