
Monday, November 30, 2015

Blaspheemus Tower

I completed the last leg of a trio of Micro-Adventures tonight for my Patreon campaign.  I would not consider this a micro-adventure thought since it doesn't fit on the back of a note card, or on a half page sheet.  This one ended up being 11 pages long, including a cover and credit page.  I grabbed this image off of RPGNow a while back, one of +Jeremy Hart's great pieces.  I used another piece of his  for the cover of Stone Fields of Azoroth.  I dig his creepy, deep shadow work. 

I plan on doing a PDF and combining the first two adventures, Denizon's Folly and Village of Osmolt with Blaspheemus Tower.  Normally I share my micro-adventures with everyone, but once in a while I share things only with my patrons, a little special something for their support.  I released the PDF of this adventure tonight and hope to have the combined PDF done sometime in December. 

This is the grimmest of the three adventures.  I drew inspiration from old world faerie tales where the world is grim and harsh and the endings are brutal.  I like these types of adventures and endings because it creates the possibility that even when the heroes save the day, the people they save don't always win.  Their horrible fate is exchanged for another. 

It's a subject I hope to write more about in the future.  For me, these kind of endings, situations where the the heroes thought they were doing good just made it worse, makes the gaming world more interesting.  I love a good old smash the evil things, grab the gold.  We are good.  You are bad.  But to keep my interest I need that vast, gray area of morality to come into play.  

More on that later.  If you would like to get a PDF of the trio of adventure consider joining my Patreon campaign, Micro-Adventures.  If you get in on the $5 pledge, you'll get a print copy when it's finished. 

Now back to work.  The 5-day holiday weekend has crashed to a sudden and inevitable end.  Monday just kicked the door down and pissed in my Cheerios. 


  1. If Ken and I promise not to read this do we get to play in it? [He asks hopefully] :)

  2. Nice work, looks like it would be a good time for the GM - players, not so much. :-)

  3. I love the name. Looks like a cool adventure.
