
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

2 of 3 Christmas GIveaways

My second give participating in +Erik Tenkar's 12 Days of Christmas, is a crap load of random micro-adventures.  There is an assortment of laminated half sheets and 4" x 6" cards and card stock zine style adventures.  All are built for a quick one-shot, or location to place on the map or just a side situations that party may run into.  These are made to enhance you game by filling the in between places.  Plus they are just cool.  But I'm bias.

To enter, all you have to do is comment and tell me what you favorite Christmas present of all-time was.  I'll pick a winner sometime tomorrow night.


  1. Favorite Christmas present: giant stuffed bear when I was five.

  2. Spider-man and his helicopter in 1978.

  3. My favorite gift ever was the Kenner AT-AT and Millenium Falcon. I had to share with my brothers but it was AWESOME!!!

  4. My favorite Christmas present of all time was my NES. I had that old 2600 way, way too long. Merry Christmas!

  5. This one is very tough. I am torn between the sticker book I found next to the chimney (a boot print was visible in the ashes), or the Point Dread play set I got at my Grandparent's house. Ask me another day, and it might be the Godzilla vs. Megalon VHS tape I got in my sock one Christmas morning. Of course those were things I received. I think the favorite gift I gave was a ticket that I got for my Mom, so she could go to Disney World. She loves Disney, and she shed some tears of joy over that fact that her kids had actually bought her a ticket.

  6. My favourite uncle gave me the Moldvay box Christmas of '81.
    I still have and use "that" book.

  7. Toss-up between the Atari 2600 my sister and I got, or Basic Set D&D. We got both the same year, both had a lifetime impact.

  8. In terms of lifetime enjoyment, my original Xbox. In terms of excitement in the moment, Lego Mindstorm 2.0.

  9. Star Frontiers. First RPG I got as a gift.

  10. Dragon Warrior for NES. I learned to read before first grade to play this game.

  11. Easy. Christmas of 81. I got the Moldavay Basic Set. My life was forever altered!

  12. Dang. Umm. When I was a kid - the Smash Em Up derby set, grownup, perhaps my fiance at the time buying me new Sidi motorcycle boots...

  13. Favorite gift of all time: an Atari 2600 (along with its D&D-like game, Adventure).

  14. Probably the Atari 2600 my brother and I were given when I was really little.

  15. I got the AD&D Players Handbook and DMs Guide for Christmas together in 1980 from my dad. Beginning of an era.

  16. The original spelljammer boxed set. It was an amazing game.

  17. Giant Tinker Toys. I used them as swords a lot.

  18. A handmade night robe like the one Patrick Stewart wears in A Christmas Carol.

  19. This is going to sound a bit cheesy, but after wracking my brain a bit to even remember what I got for Christmas last year, its pretty apparent that time with family is my favorite gift.

  20. Tom Stone the world's first black action man (gi joe to my colonial friends)

  21. My favorite was my Shogun Warrior: Raydeen figure. Loved the Godbird missle and shooting fist. My parents took it away after my brother shot the fist off and it hit my baby brother in the head. Good times!

  22. Complete set of Voltron lions + the Castle of Lions playset, yesssss

  23. Field Goal kicking football guy. I honestly have no idea what the actual name was. But you got a set of goal posts, a plastic ball that was flat on one end, some yard/distance markers and a kicker that when you pounded down on his head, he kicked the ball. I loved that thing!

  24. My first computer, a commodore 64!

  25. My favourite Christmas present of all time is the one I've just made to myself -- pledging at the "RUNE PRIEST-LORD" level for the RuneQuest Classic KS!

  26. I would have to say a game called Chutes Away! It was a big game with a round moving board which you looked through an eye piece that went through a small rescue plane hanging above the board. And with a joystick and switch you dropped plastic parachutes into target holes in the game board. It was pretty cool for the time and I played that game continuously that whole Christmas vacation.

  27. The pocket knife my kids got me for Christmas 3-4 years ago with the custom engraved and colored handle...still use it every day.

  28. Chemistry set. Did all the experiments in the booklet, then did a ton of "what would happen if" experiments, used up most of the chemicals, still have scars from ill-advised tricks like burning rubber bands. Played with that thing for at least a couple of years.

  29. Fender Stratocaster, made in Mexico. Lake Placid Blue. I've replaced everything on it, but I'm still playing it 25 years later. :-)

  30. I would have to place it as a tie between my first stereo and my original HeroQuest box.

  31. One year, my wife got me a ton of LEGO. Spent a long time building on Christmas!

  32. One year my parents went to the UK. That year for Christmas I received the entire Lego train set. It was awesome!!

  33. In the mid-90s I started getting Berol Prismacolor art markers for Christmas. Still have most of my original set but have dried out many of the popular colors (grass green, some browns, black, etc.) doing micromaps and whatnot.

  34. Perhaps the most awesome gift I received was when my wife and friend build me an entire fort for my lizard-man army. 28 mm scale lookedlike one of those adobe French Foreign legion outposts from the movies.

  35. Favorite christmas gift of all wookie robe. Since the wife's hot flashes keep the ac on all year round I rarely take it off.

  36. Possibly the Fourth Doctor styled robe I am wearing right now.

  37. After beer-wenching for their games from 6 - 8 years old, my step-dad put together and ran a 1st edition AD&D dungeon crawl for me, my 6 year old brother, and my mom for Christmas.

  38. My 1st bb gun when I was 8 years old. Dad hid it behind the couch and brought it out after all the other presents had been opened. I don't think mom knew about him getting it for me. I'm 43 now and still have that bb gun.

  39. AD&D Players Handbook, and it's not even close. I was 11. It was Christmas, 1980.

  40. Creep Crawlers Thingmaker ( Completely dangerous, probably mutagenic, and unbelievably cool. I remember running out of plasti-goop within a couple of days and begging my mom to get me some more... Still wish I had it...

  41. Kenner Star Wars X-Wing, TIE Fighter and Millenium Falcon. It was a big Star Wars year for me then, and for that matter, this year too.

  42. My most memorable gift was my first electric guitar when I was 13. I still can't play it 29 years later!

  43. I am certainly not above grubbing for material things, but after a years-long stretch not being able to, my favorite Christmas present is being able to see my people.

  44. It's a dead tie between my original NES and the Boulder Hill Playset (for Mask). Both were way beyond our means, financially, and both were tremendous surprises. Thanks, Mom. :)

  45. Baseball Bear. A stuffed bear with orange fur, baseball cap and baseball glove, who said baseball stuff when the string was pulled. Got him when I was 2 and still have him hiding away in a corner of my closet.

  46. A bike when I was 6. Learned to ride one when I was in my 30s.

  47. A little 110 Elektralite camera, long, long ago.....

  48. Well, perhaps it's because I'm warming up for full-on Santa mode tomorrow night, but I can better remember the gifts I've given to my loved ones over the years, than the ones I've gotten in return. While there are some great memories of the elaborate setups for the train sets and pirate fortress, etc. for my boys, my favourite gift ever has to be the stocking I handmade for my husband. We were newly married, and while I lived in my hometown, and could still hang the stocking my grandmother had made me as a child, my husband's family (military) had moved away, and he had little to nothing from his childhood. I'm no sewer, but the dual-layered fleece worked out well enough, though sewing with black thread on the black inner layer did rather give me a headache. I hung it off a chair at the end of the bed while he was sleeping, so that he spotted it almost as soon as he opened his eyes. For one of the rare times in our lives I saw tears in his eyes along with a smile on his face - no better thanks could anyone ever ask. Although I do wish he'd not tried it on for size... more black-on-black work *sigh*

  49. The gift of NyQuil. I was 12 and super sick for the christmas holidays season. My folks, feeling sorry for me, and probably tired of hearing the coughing and wheezing, decided I was old enough for the green death flavor.
    I took some NyQuil, slept through Christmas Eve and woke up to my presents on Christmas morning from Santa, feeling sluggish, but better.
