
Saturday, December 26, 2015

3 of 3 Christmas Giveaways

Here is my third and final giveaway in +Erik Tenkar's 12 Days of Christmas.  A little late, but well worth it I think.  I'm giving away all eight issues of my zine The Manor and I'm throwing in a copy of my One Waiting, One Prisoner, One Sacrificed.  All you need to do to enter is comment by telling me what the worst Christmas of all-time.  My worst present was the year I received Tylenol, Tums and Aspercream in my stocking.  That was the year I knew I was old.


  1. Worst Christmas present I've received?

    A bicycle accident where I got hit by a car at an intersection, saw myself banged up but manageable and so, in the Christmas spirit, told the driver I was fine and not to worry and Merry Christmas. Then felt the full measure of my injuries for some months to come. Ouch!

  2. If I win I will give the stuff I already have away. That said, worst Xmas was probably this year. Two family members w terminal illnesses. Sorry to be a bummer but you asked!

  3. My worst Christmas ever was the year I asked my parents for roleplaying stuff and they bought me the 4th edition players handbook. I yelled at them " You will never understand me ! " then I ran in my bedroom, slammed the door and played my Smiths cd really loud while I sat in the dark. To this day I still have not forgiven them.

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  5. My worst Christmas was spent in jail T_T

  6. I guess my worst Christmas would be last year's when my wife and I lost a baby (it was only 5 weeks pregnant but she took it really bad). We managed to make another one quickly and this year is the first with our boy Pablo. :)

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  8. My worst Christmas was when I opened what I thought was my gift, Lazer Tag but was actually for my step-brother. No joke, it had to be pried from my hands as I cried.

  9. Probably the first one where I was laid off from my job of 18 years and was unemployed and looking for work again. I got a job a couple months later though!

  10. The Christmas with a hard freeze that broke a septic line, which I had to help dig up and repair. Rah.

  11. Well damn--I guess all my Christmases have been awesome. Either that or I've managed to block out any really bad presents.

  12. Sadly this was my worst Christmas. It's been three months since my fiancee left me, three months since I've seen her child that I've helped raise for half of her life. Christmas really isnbest when experienced through the eyes of children, not having any of my own, it will be some time, if ever, that I get to experience that again.

  13. Worst Christmas ever? Can't say that I've had a bad one... I'm truly blessed.

  14. Either the one where my grandfather died, or where my favorite aunt died, or where my sister died. Any of those would do.

  15. All of my Christmas pasts have been great. I can't remember a time I didn't enjoy.

  16. Well this this year I got a green sweater. Green being my least favorite color it's right up there. However, I certain someone at the thrift shop will enjoy it greatly.

  17. This year, my wife and I received strep throat from our daughter. Last year, it was something more flu-like. Next year it could be shingles.

  18. The one eighteen days after my dad died, that pretty much sucked.

  19. I got this great gift from an old employer one year: work through Christmas and New Years with no comp day in sight.

  20. Spent in a foreign country. That sucked. No trees!

  21. Spent in a foreign country. That sucked. No trees!

  22. The worst Christmas? Spending the day in bed after a bad auto accident, with a broken hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, sacrum, 2 vertebrae, and 8 ribs broken a total of 24 times.

  23. I can't comp3te 2ith 5his misery, wo4st for m3was my grandmother dying on Christmas night.

  24. I've been really lucky not to have suffered the loss of anyone close to me at xmas or stuff like that. I can only think of a couple really unpleasant xmases, and both only in hindsight. One when I was pretty young, I cried because I didn't get something I'd asked for. I was like 5 at the time and in a rare moment of self-awareness felt like a brat when my parents asked why I was crying, and cried even more over that.

  25. Worst present? Probably a laptop lap desk. Never used it.

  26. Hanging out in Tuzla, Bosnia in 1995.

  27. Dominoes. "We knew you liked games..."

  28. Worst was the first one alone after joining the Navy. No leave and no friends. I had just reported in November. Lonely time realizing childhood was gone.

  29. My worst Christmas? The second year I was in the Army and couldn't take leave t go home. Drank 3/4 of a bottle of Stoli's. Was dying the next day.

  30. I can't say I've had a bad Christmas. But I did have the year of "punishment" gifts. Just terrible things designed to taunt what I like and or make me and those near me suffer.

    This included giving me:
    Thundar the Barbarian (Punishment for me girlfriend)
    Flash Gordon (a great movie I laready owned)
    finally a
    A Yoda Mug (it mocked yoda and the mug part gave him a crew cut. He looked "ugly" but not in the good way and trying the hot chocolate it came with was a new form of torture)

  31. My worst Christmas is a toss up, the Christmas of 1986 I caught the flu and alternated between wallowing in misery and wallowing in misery as I vomited. The Christmas of 94 was spent off the coast of Haiti when I was in the Navy maintaining the embargo we had put on the Haitian government after Jean Aristeade was overthrown,three months of staring at that island without any shore leave, Christmas away from home the icing on the cake, thank you Haitian military junta!

  32. Wow, some commenters have had really bad Christmases. My worst doesn't compare. Was stuck on the West coast and spend the day alone while my family were all together on the East coast.

  33. One year I had Chickenpox during Christmas.

  34. I can't say as I've ever had a bad Christmas (despite 20 years in the Navy and ample opportunity for misery). I guess I could say a year I went home and my parents informed me they were going on a cruise and for me to enjoy the house with my brother and sister without them, but then again that was pretty awesome, too!

  35. The worst Christmas I can remember really wasn't that bad. It was the year when I was 14 or so and all I got were clothes. I hated that year in my small, self-centered way.

  36. Wow, reading through these comments makes me realize I haven't had anything close to the bad Christmas experiences others have had. Makes me realize how lucky I am and how strong others are. Keep plowng ahead my OSR brothers and sisters!
