
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Cover Revised

New Version

Old Version

After some feedback and my own dissatisfaction with the original cover I went with white lettering with backed by black to make the title pop out more.  Easier to read.  I changed my GM Games label.  Although it is nearly the same in both I had my black square with red lettering. 

Micro-Adventures Anthology Vol. 1 is being sliced up by cruel and vicious readers.  I want them to take their time to saw off the nasty bits.  When I get those back I'll send it off to RPGNow and Lulu to get print proofs.  This will be a digest size book.  I'll offer it in print and PDF through those stores.  I'll have to look at Tabletop Games and see what I need to do there also.  Hoping for a May release, but more likely June.