
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Adventuring Themes: Sloppy Seconds

I've had a slow month as far as productivity is concerned. But I'm hitting the book store in a little bit and working on an adventure, using the traditional grid map I drew a while ago. 

Sometimes I use a theme for writing an adventure, this one would be sloppy seconds. Meaning, the party is hitting the dungeon soon after another adventuring party went through. Lots of evidence of mayhem. And I do take some license and narrate what occurred before the party arrived within the room descriptions.

I like to switch up the adventures sometimes with circumstances like this. How many times does the adventuring party hit a dungeon that is fresh off the vine? Aren't there more adventurers traveling around looking for a hole in the ground to loot? In my campaign, this is absolutely happening. If the party leaves behind loot thinking they'll come back for the rest later, they may find it cleaned out when they return.

That's what I'm working on today. How about you? What are you working on?


  1. At the moment...nothing constructive.

    I need to get hopping on my Con on the Cob adventure, though.

    But I'm in that especially unproductive state of mind where I'm going "ooh shiny" looking at other game systems. Which definitely doesn't help get an adventure written.

    1. You and me both Chris. Same thing has been happening to me. Plus, just been tired and its been difficult to have a cohesive thought.

  2. This concept is the basis my new loot tables "Who Would Just Leave This Stuff" based on the premise that most everything the party is finding is stuff previous looters considered not worth their time. My next dungeon should lean on it heavily.

    1. You have me very interested James. Is there a place where I could find those loot tables?

  3. Thank you good Sir for the "Carl's Crossing" mini-Adventure... Rolled up stats and character traits and Mostly with the few of my dusty miniatures on Great Grandma's old (well over 100 years) curio display shelving... And was an enjoyable game .. the second playing was better... the "lesser Shadows" , one made for a cool new NPC character... will use an old "Villain's Work-Sheet" to further "flesh-out" this Undead. Thank you for brightening our day and a very pleasant weekend to you and good Lady Whisk... That was very kind of good Gothridge Manor...
