
Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Great Imbiber Provides

+Christian Walker is running an interesting game. He comes up with great things that really get my creativeness going. Christian is running a series of micro games. A single player rolls a character and introduced to the situation. The session takes about 30 minutes. He then repeats this with other players. 

First, it was great to talk with Christian. I've known him for years and we've exchanged a lot of mail during that time, but we hadn't gamed together or spoken to one another. So it was a real treat to meet my gaming brother on the west coast.

Second, I love this idea. Quick sessions with individuals. I can't wait to read Christian's post about how each of us dealt with the situation. That will be a fun read.

Third, I really like my character. Brother Adelmo, a 50 year-old acolyte who wandered through his life looking for a purpose and believes he's finally found it, serving the Great Imbiber. With his bottles of wine he intends to make the world a better place.

Fourth, love, love, love the little battle maps that Christian made and sent in the mail. You play along on Google Hangouts and we keep track of characters on our own battle mat. So cool. I don't have minis so dice were my substitute.

Fifth, he left me wanting more. I had a lot of fun. 


  1. Thank you again, good Gothridge Manor... and hope that dear Lady Whisk feels better Soon....

  2. It was great to finally connect face to face. After all these years corresponding and blogging, I felt like we were old friends. :)

  3. Nicely done Character Sheet (took Graphic Design at School)... Very good work...!!!
