
Monday, June 15, 2020

Tales from the Darkside

The other day I was talking with my co-workers about old television shows. Somewhere in the conversation Tales from the Darkside came up. I love that show. It came on randomly on a Saturday night after the news. A time when the television had 3 good stations you could watch and at night you could get 4 or 5. I remember getting excited when I'd hear that sweeping synthesizer music during the intro. 

The one episode I remember best was the creepy little monster behind the tiny door in the room. And he's the one featured on the DVD collection.Yeah, I grabbed the Complete Series of Tales from the Darkside for $24. 

I didn't realize the show went 4 seasons and 90 episodes. And the show was created by George A. Romero. Lots of big time writers contributed such as Stephen King, Frederik Pohl, Harlan Ellison, Clive Barker and so many others. 

And one of the cool things about watching a show that's 35 years old is seeing the actors when they were young. Or you see an actor you know, but just can't quite place them and then have to pause on the credits to Google them. Did it twice last night. 

Ivy and I are absolutely loving the episodes. And I wanted to give them a shout out and let you know about the DVDs. They are affiliate links because who doesn't like a little Amazon credit?


  1. Did this set just come out on DVD?

    1. I checked by box and it read it was released in 2016.

    2. Thanks for checking. I decided to splurge, bought the set a couple days ago. Hoping to watch some episodes next week!

  2. First 3 episodes are each hovering right around a C-minus in quality. I'm sure they'll improve, but just hope it's sooner than later.

    1. You might be waiting a while. I come from it from a nostalgic angle. Most of the episodes are bad, but good bad for me. And once in a while there are little gems.
