
Friday, August 21, 2020

Hunters in Death is Done!

I put the final touches on Hunters in Death this morning. A final look through with fresh eyes. I can easily say this is the most work I've ever put into a writing project. Without my editors Joe and my wife Ivy and their persistence of wanting to go through it again, it wouldn't have turned out so damn good. They wanted it to be the best I could do. I'm glad I listened to them. 

The PDFs were sent to all those who pledged.

I've already begun the printing process. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to print from home. I'm printing 500 copies. I timed my printer, it takes 5 minutes and 15 seconds to print one copy. So after 43 hours and 45 minutes of printing, that's without mistakes, jams, or other creative things my printer likes to do, all the copies will be done. So guess what I'm doing this weekend?

I have about 450 copies spoken for. Once I get everyone's shipped I'll put the remaining copies up for sale. 

That's all for now. My printer needs my attention.


  1. Oof. Home printing is tough. Can I ask what kind of printer you're using? (And I hope to nab a copy when you put them up for sale!)

    1. I have an Epson WF-7620. I've had it for three or four years. MOST of the time it does a great job, but sometimes I want to take a baseball bat to it. Today we are getting along.

  2. Any chance you can do a black and white cover in a seperate file? I printed mine at work with my fancy printer, but want to print the cover on card stock without the background color.

    Also excited to read it this weekend.

    1. I have a file you could use. Please email me and I'll send it to you.

  3. Congrats on finishing your project! And good luck with the printer. All hail to the machine spirits!

  4. Awesome. That cover looks great, BTW.

    Um...any chance I can hire you to do a print run for me? : )
