
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Newbie Blogger Award 7-7-11

It's that time again.  Someone has really out done themselves to get this award this time.  It was getting a little dusty anyway.  This new blog is very young, really at this time only has one entry, but I know it will be good.  It may even be great.  It already has more followers than me with one post.  Amazing.  So this Newbie Blogger Award goes to....

Despite what everyone may believe Christian sacrificed his entire backlog of posts to get this award.  What dedication, what determination, what madness would make a man do that?  This award goes to Christian without hesitation, raising the bar for all other newbies who wish to earn the fallen knight.  Congrats Christian and welcome back!


  1. Good call, Tim! Couldn't think of a worthier winner!

  2. Awesome! I expect great things from the Chrisitian fellow ;).

  3. Bravo. Spot on once again good chap.

  4. Great choice-I applaud christian for standing in the face of opposition and not giving up.

  5. Yes, HUZZAH to Christian for bouncing back, and to you for recognizing his achievement. Well done!

  6. Ha! I look forward to figuring out this here blog thing works. Such fun!

  7. LOL
    Hey wait a minute, something fishy is going on! :)
