
Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Newest Toy

It is a custom at the manor for wife and husband to exchange gifts.  Whisk being wife, I being the husband.  This year she got me a NookColor.  I've been thinking about getting a reader for a while now.  I'm always late to the technological party because...probably because I am the guy who would buy the 8-track player, the beta recorder or the HD home theater.  So I find it best to lay back for a while and let things get sorted out then buy.

Right away I took a liking to it.  I did have to battle with the wireless in my own home.  The first night we were driving around at 12am trying to find an open feed.  It was amusing what information you can find driving around reading all the names of the wireless feeds.  After bouncing a few stores leeching off their signals, we ended up in McDonalds parking lot and I was finally able to register my Nook.  Rob (Mr. Bat in the Attic) helped me figure out the wireless problem I was having at home.

One of the reason I went with the NookColor was it already had a PDF reader.  The less I need to fiddle with this stuff the better.  Plus the screen looks amazing.  We go to Barnes a lot and you can look at books on it and do all this other stuff I haven't played with yet.  Although I did read some blogs on it.

Off I go with a parting picture of my new toy.


  1. Glad you're enjoying your Oogie Boogie Gift. I like how crisp the pages are. Looking forward to reading Frankenstein for the first time.

    Back to bagel making ...

  2. I'm looking forward to getting my Kindle Fire later this month so I can share in the full-color fun.

  3. @Whisk: Frankenstein is amazing; moreso if the tale is true that Mary Shelly wrote it over the course of a weekend during a writing challenge at Lord Byron's estate.

    My copy is lavishly illustrated by Berni Wrightson, whose drawings really help to bring the story to life. Hope you enjoy it!

  4. Trey: Howdy. I like how the Kindle Fire can watch movies. Very cool.

    Sean: He's one of my favorite monsters, and yet I've never read the book. Looking forward to it, and it will be my first read on an eReader.

    We're reading The Shinning in bed now. Tim reads out loud. Love that.

  5. I got a Nook Color for father's day and have been enjoying it for my reading club. The PDF viewer is OK for RPGs. My Labyrinth Lord stuff works well, but my LotFP formatting and text is screwy.

    Let me know if you make any rpg-related discoveries.

  6. Awesome! Glad you like the new toy!

  7. I been holding out to get the Kindle DX (the magazine-sized one). I'm thinking maybe this spring....

  8. Tabby hasn't peed in the toaster, yet. I'll let you guys know when.

  9. Kelly: Our poor little Bug is sick. Hope your cat gets better soon.

  10. Tabby won't get better--she's always been thus, slightly...special. Hope your dog feels better.

  11. Cool blog. I have only Kindles so far.

    I'll be back.
