
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Participant Experience Points

I've been a big fan of the Digital Orc blog and now I am going to blatantly rip off an idea from his blog.  Experience points for those who comment.  A running total for the year along the left side.  Why?  Because I like the idea of it and when I do give-a ways, that is something I would like to do more of, or contests or whatever, maybe those with the higher scores get some kind of bonus.  I have no idea.  But I like the idea.

I can't be any more difficult than keeping a running total for the year.


  1. Dang! I didn't know you *wanted* us to comment! I hold back. *Cough, cough. Clears his throat.*

  2. Sweet! Do I get GM points for that?

  3. So by adding this comment I jump up to 21 and bypass a bunch of others? Sometimes it is hard being alphabetically last.

  4. Too funny! I have more xp than both Whisk and Lurker?! That can't be right... :)

    Oh, and the funniest thing -- the security word verification for this comment is "tally." I kid you not.

  5. This will be interesting, hopefully it does not become too taxing keeping track of all the comments. Good luck!

  6. I see that I talk a lot, even when there's no incentive to do so.

  7. Can we score Critical Comments? :)

  8. I've got a lot of commenting to do before I catch up to Trey!

  9. I can't believe I have never commented here before. I am getting ready to run "Knowledge Illuminates" today to kick off a new D&D group, can that be a critical comment?

  10. William That most definitely does count as a crit comment. The very first. I hope it proves to be a fun adventure for everyone. If you get a chance, please let me know how it went.

  11. Just so you know, I am "Chris Vermeers" over on the Google+. Hopefully, the picture will serve as evidence that I am not just trying to get someone else's xp. Plus, why would anyone want to do that?
