
Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Manor Hits 50

Just got a few more sales in today and as of this moment I've sold 50 issues of The Manor.  Thanks to everyone who has bought an issue.  I appreciate the support and look forward to putting out the second issue.

As it stands I've sold 25 print copies and 25 PDFs.  This surprises me a little I figured the print would outsell the PDF by a good margin, but it seems that many people prefer the electronic version.  I'm glad I made the choice to offer it in PDF.

Everyone who has ordered a print copy, all been sent in the mail.  Even those who have just ordered.  I like any kind of sale, but I get a bit of a rush printing a copy, constructing the zine, putting it in the envelop and putting a creepy butterfly stamp on it.  Feels good and with each issue I send a batch of good mojo.  No charge.


  1. Great work! I really liked #1 and even wrote a review on my blog (in German). And fast delivery, in just 3 days across the ocean...

    So, where's Number 2? ;)

  2. Rorschahhamster I'm glad it got to you so quickly. And happy you enjoyed it. I used google translate to read it. Number #2 is already in the works.

  3. All rightey then, make that 26 Print copies sold, I just ordered a copy. Hearing great things about it, so I had to get on board! : )

  4. Thanks Bill. Putting your copy in the envelope now. Glad to have you on board.

  5. Wow, it's doing well. I'm seeing lots of reviews in the blogosphere!

  6. Just added my own review to the growing legion. Keep up the good work!
