
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Manor #1 PDF available on Lulu

After struggling with fixing the PDF I finally surrendered and handed the problem over to Rob Conley.  Five minutes later the problem vanished and I was imbued with knowledge should this happen again I am armed and ready.  Thank you Rob.  The problem was it was trying to squeeze two pages onto one.  I went round and round with it.  Here is the link I forgot to add.  Thanks Charles.

Because of this I am now able to offer it on Lulu along with the second issue and Knowledge Illuminates.  Which is a little exciting.  I've been wanting to get a store front there for some time, but always struggled with the PDF part.  I think I got it now.  *knock on wood*

My next goal is to complete a couple projects and start doing some print issues through them and RPGNow.  

If you bought the 1st issue on PDF DL the new version.  It's more friendly.  And if anyone has any problems let me know.

Thanks and enjoy.


  1. Groovy. Nice to see some good news as I sit here working on funding applications for work.

  2. HOORAY! Wider distribution for the Manor.
    (Dare I ask if this means focus turns to the next issue of The Manor?)
