
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Manor #3 Cover

Here is the cover for issue #3.  The wife drew the skull and there are two other pieces of her art included within.  I like the simplicity of it and it suits the brown cover.  She is the featured artist for the adventure that's included, The Mine of Rot & Disease.  It's a One-Shot Adventure, or for the uninitiated, just means it's a short adventure meant to be completed within a single session.  It is the first of a trilogy.  That sounds much more dramatic than the first of three.  I'll be including those One-Shots in future issues.

A quick rant.  I've been noticing the card stock is not the size it says it is.  Its supposed to be the same size as regular paper, but its been short like a 1/8 of an inch vertically and horizontally.  It makes it look like my zine is wearing high water pants.

 Back to the zine.  Each issue I've feature an OSRian on the back cover.  I pick someone whose work I'm currently excited about and would like to help promote.  This time around its John Stater's Blood & Treasure RPG.  I've blogged about it in the past and think its a great addition to the retro clones.  Hit the link and John's got some freebies to download including a great adventure called The Tumbled Towers.  I'll be converting Mine of Rot & Disease for B&T.

I have 95% of issue #3 finished.  I'm editing the first part and then will have someone look it over to minimize my goofs.  Again, those of you who buy the print version you'll get the PDF free.  I've added content to the PDF version because I don't have to worry about page count electronically.  I have a handful of NPCs I wanted to stat out for the GM to use or should I say Treasure Keeper to use  and I didn't want to take up that space with character sheets.  This way the TK can print them out  instead of flipping around.  I am guessing the 2nd week of February as a release date.  Hoping sooner.  I need to get my gaming warchest refilled to buy some of the cool stuff that's out there.

I'll be posting about any price changes coming this week.  I don't think there will be any change to the US shipping and none to very little for Europe and Australia.  Canada looks to be the biggest change.  More than likely be combined with the rest of the world.  But I'll know more when I get to the post office and have a con fab with my main man down there.  He's sports a 70's stashe like only a postal worker can.  


  1. "He's sports a 70's stashe like only a postal worker can."

    Some folks feature sleestacks, some feature goths, you ought to feature mustaches. How can I NOT be curious about this postal worker??!!

  2. I'm with Dave. You need a 'stache feature. Funny that should come up; I was at the barber shop today and one of the barbers had a truly WICKED moustache, waxed, curled...the works.

  3. Nice! I'm looking forward to it. I'm still cranking on Delve! issue 2 but I've got a few art assignments to clear off of my plate first.

  4. I like it. Excellent art by the Whisk.

    So Dave and Boric are responsible for the Sunday post? Thanks, guys.
