
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Manor #3 is Now Available!

Where's it going?

The long wait it over. The Manor #3 is now ready to be consumed by greedy-eyed gamers. You can get the print by pushing that little button up top or go to RPGNow and snag a PDF. I'll be putting up on Lulu in an hour or so. Those who buy the print will get the the PDF for free. There are some NPCs I could not fit into the print page count, but in PDF world there are no worries. Grab a copy. Grab two copes. Except you Boric. You're wife called, she told me no more buying multiple copies. She scared me a little.

Thanks for everyone's patience. I know it took a long time for issue #3 to get done. But, I have to say I really like this issue a lot. And as I mentioned in my previous post, I had two stellar proofreaders that helped make it even better.

So enjoy and have a great night.

**EDIT...Issue #3 is Now Available on Lulu**