
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

1000 Posts - OSR Mega Bundle Giveaway

Here it is.  I hit 4 digits worth of posts.  It took me nearly 4 years, but I did it.  Fuck'n hell.  And because I hit 1000 posts, 4 of you are going to be very happy.  How do you get happy?

You comment about how wonderful I am and you're entered.  Or if you prefer to take a shot that would count to.

I've got a fantastic mega PDF bundle of OSR products to giveaway.  All were generously donated to help me thank all of you.

So you're wondering what's in the PDF bundle?

+Joseph Bloch  is offering Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual.  I don't know Joesph that well, but he was the first one who volunteered to donate and got the ball rolling.  I'm looking forward to getting a copy for myself.  And, Joseph's got a fantastic hairstyle.

 +matt jackson  added Vol. 1 of his Moleskin Maps.  I've always been a fan of Matt's maps.  I've bought everything he's done and never been disappointed.  He drew maps for Manor #2 and I know if I needed a emergency map, he'd be right on it.  

+Dak Ultimak offers any issue of his Crawl! zine.  He's got six great issues that took on WotC and managed to have all six zines on the top list on RPGNow even though WotC released all the old products.  

No easy feat.  The zine is that good. 

+Peter Regan is offering any issue of his incredible Oublitte magazine.  This is a great zine.  I love the artwork of The Marg.  Her dark images suit the tone of the magazine.  There is a ton of great content inside, including a few comics.

+Paolo Greco donated a PDF copy of Adventure Fantasy Game.  Paolo is not someone I know well, but this is what I like best about the OSR, there is a ton of great products being produced and most are generous.  

Adventure Fantasy Game is a fantastic addition to anyone's PDF library.

Dylan Hartwell was gracious enough to donate his fantastic adventure Menagerie of the Ice Lord.  This is not only a kickass adventure it's also a mini monster manual.  Dylan does all his own artwork and did all the artwork for my adventure Knowledge Illuminates.  He's been a big supporter of my blog and his donation is much appreciated. 

+Rob Conley my good friend and partner in gaming crimes allowed me to place his adventure, Scourge of the Demon Wolf, within the bundle.  After much hair pulling and name calling Rob relented. 

 +Jason Sholtis and +John Larrey did the amazing artwork for this and the guy who edited this must be a wizard.  The words are magic!  

Thanks Rob.

**New Entry**
+Timothy Brannan just now offered copies of The Witch!  Thanks a lot Tim.  What a great addition.


+Tim Snider  just entered DEVIANT DATABASE.  Entered his Deviant Database.  I have no read this one, but with a name like Tim it must be brilliant.  

Most generous offering are pouring in.  +Zzarchov Kowolski has added The Gnomes of Levnec.  I have been a long time fan his Neoclassic Geek Revival ruleset.  And I've had the pleasure of gaming with him on one occasion.  I got a very nice ruby.  Thanks Z!

The ever eloquent Porky has entered the fray with a copy of Triffles: Abandon Space.  Porky has been a long time supporter of this blog and the Whisk's.  It's always a pleasure to get comments from Porky and a big thanks for the donation.  

+Johnathan Bingham (AKA Pie, Hot Elf Chick, Bearded Dude Who Can Draw Crazy Good)  I think that last alias is his Indian name.  Delve! is a zine adventure that mixes a lot of cool elements creating a unique setting.  Oh, and I heard the art isn't half bad.  Thanks Johnathan.

**Holy Crappy Harpies Batman, There is More!**
+Jason Sholtis another amazing OSR artist has enter his fantastic adventure Zogorion: Lord of the Hippogriffs.  Jason is a huge reason why the Manor has been a success.  He's been my go to guy when I need emergency art.  And if you haven't gamed with Jason you've got to.  You will never be bored, I promise you that.

And lastly, I can't do this without offering something of my own.  You can choose any Manor or Knowledge Illuminates on PDF.  Should you have all the issues you can opt to wait til issue #4 is done. 

But wait, that's not all.  Winners also get a $5 gift card from RPGNow.  A cherry on top of this massive mound of OSR PDF goodness. 

I think its an impressive bundle.  I know I would want to win this one myself.  So all you need do is comment to enter.  I'm hoping to get 100 entries.  On Saturday I'll select the four winners and contact you. 

Again, a huge thanks to all those who donated their hard work.  And thanks to those who stop by and take a look around.  

1000 posts.  Let the praising begin.


  1. Commenting. :) Congratulations on 1000 posts!

  2. That is a nice collection. Damn, I wish I had been more on the ball, I could have donated a copy of The Witch. Shoot me an email if you want to add it! 1000 posts is a big deal.

  3. Woo hoo 1000 posts, in 4 years no less. That's something to celebrate, and the list of giveaways is certainly impressive as well.


  4. Good job, Babe. And check me out, I'm the fourth comment.

  5. Congrats on 1K!

    I don't think I ever got back to you on the copies of the Manor I picked up, but I very much enjoyed all three. Not sure when I'll next run my OD&D campaign, but I'm pretty confident some of your work will appear.

  6. I would like to comment about how wonderful you are. :)

  7. First time I've visited and I'm glad I did! Great site you have here.

  8. Hey, congratulations on the 1000 posts! I look forward to reading the next 1000!

    Hope you guys had fun with your regular Monday night session last night. Can't wait for Wednesday's play test session!

  9. Congrats! I've enjoyed your writing over the past few years.

  10. With the passing of Grognardia, Jeff's Gameblog, Fight On!, and Knockspell... it's blogs like yours that are *the* go-to place for new old school material. Thank you for filling those shoes!!!

    The information you post on the nuts and bolts of putting out a zine are invaluable-- and it's neat too know that you fold back "profits" into more and better art.

  11. Amazing that you hit 1000 posts. An impressive milestone indeed! I'd like to offer up my Deviant Database as an additional PDF prize for your bundle. It's designed for Mutant Future, but with its cross-compatibility with Labyrinth Lord, it would be fine for any OSR First Edition gamer looking for some odd critters for his dungeon. Drop me a line if you'd like it - gameagain at gmail period com.

  12. Congratulations on 1000 posts, Mr. Shorts. I hope you continue for several tens of thousands more,

    I concur with the sentiments of Jeffro regarding your contributions to the OSR community with news and interesting posts.

  13. Yep. I'd be an idiot to not want another issue of The Manor. :)

  14. Just another comment entering to win. :)

  15. 4 digits of posts in 4 years. Amazing. But your really need to get typing if you plan on hitting 5 digits by your 5th year...

    By the way, i just downloaded the first 3 Manors - they're great. Thanks.

  16. That is great ! I am working my way up to my first posts :) I admire your dedication and persistence and I want to check out the Manor now !

  17. Congratulations on hitting the big One Oh Oh OH! Back when I was learning about the whole OSR movement last year (I know, I came late to the party) your blog was one of the first I landed on. And what a wealth of links and cool stuff. Thanks for making such a valuable resource as your blog available to the public.

  18. This blog is the greatest thing I have ever seen. You are a god among demi-gods and deities. It's your chicken. We're just here to hold the tail. :-)

  19. You suck...but you're awesome. I'm...happy and sad for you! Congrats on 1000 posts, that's pretty impressive.

  20. Now if can get some of the other "Tims" to donate something! ;)

  21. Congratulations on 1000 posts. Hope u get 1000 more.

  22. Wow! Congratulations, that's a lot of posts. And your blog is well loved, so that's even better.

  23. Very cool, Tim. As always. Keep it up. Looking forward to next Manor.

  24. This appears to have become a bit of a pot luck contest.

    Fair enough. I'll donate a copy of "The Gnomes of Levnec" to the winners and throw my name in the hat.

    With any luck this will get ridiculous.

  25. Congrats to a deserving blog for reaching this milestone! Gothridge Manor was one of the first blogs I encountered when got into the RPG blogosphere a couple years ago. Thanks for continuing to be an online beacon for the hobby!

  26. Congrats on 1,000 posts. You have attained a new level of blogmeister.

  27. This is certainly a milestone! Congrats.

  28. Damn, 1000 posts, that is an impressive feat! Well done!

  29. Congratulations! Four More Years!

  30. Good show, sir, very good show! 1000 posts really is impressive and I wish you the best of luck for the next 1000! You have a good thing going here :)

  31. Congrats! Awesome bundle for this giveaway.

  32. Know what this contest lacks?


    That is all.

  33. Congrats. I know how you feel. I was just as happy when my blog hit 1000 VIEWS. :D

  34. Here's how awesome the esteemed Tim Shorts and this here Gothridge Manor blog is:

    Not only is it amongst the first blogs I found when I started to get my gaming life re-kickstarted, and thereby revealing to me the OSR and all it's associated good works -

    I'm on vacation right now, and I've taken time out of it this morning to read his blog, and post on it's wonderfulness.

    On top of THAT, this blog is such an illustrious source of gaming goodness that my wife is in the shower right now - and we're without our children - and I'm sitting here typing this praise to the glory that is Mr. Short's gaming brain, rather than initiating a random encounter in what is a well-equipped bathroom in our rented cabin here.

    So there's that.

  35. Congrats Tim, that's a hell of a lot of posts!!! Well done that man!!!

  36. The most impressive thing is all these cool fireworks you've got going.

  37. You are wonderful!

  38. Geez, 1000 posts? I need to get busy. At my maximum 1/day, I'll be at 1000 in 2015 sometime. ;)

    Good going sir!

  39. Well done Tim - it's a great place to spend time and I'm game for another thousand posts for sure. For what it's worth, and assuming there's still room in one or more of the bundles, I'm very happy to throw in a copy or four of Abandoned Space. Just write the word and they're yours.

  40. Tim,

    Congrats on 1000 posts! A milestone for sure. I'd like to throw in a copy of Delve! issue 1 so if you don't already have the pdf version, I'll email it to you.

  41. 1000 posts in 4 years is impressive. Man, you've got stamina. Congratulations.

  42. YES! 1000 Posts! I will never attain such incredible heights of "word putting together" majesty. ALL HAIL THE MANOR!

    Just my comment! I WANT THAT BUNDLE!


  43. You are apparently as epically awesome as we all believed you to be!

  44. Awesome! Congrats on 1000 posts!

  45. Well I've definitely gotta toss my name in this hat. :)

  46. Great blog. You will have 2000 posts before you know it.

    And great product give-away products too. I see a bunch of them I'll be adding to my One Bookshelf wishlist.

    Congratulations - Doug

  47. A thousand posts, and nice digital fireworks!
    How wonderful are you, anyway? I think about as wonderful as the megadungeons of rpg-players' dreams are nightmarish, and filled with treasure, and tunnels cold and dreadful. And you are as wonderful as the old monsters of the lower levels are weary of waiting for that one group of hero to finally make it to their lairs.

    Truly wonderful.

  48. Congrats, Tim. Yours is one of my "must read" blogs every morning.

    You are lucky The Whisk puts up with all your time in front of the computer and at the gaming table!

  49. Congrats on being such a prolific blogger.

  50. Congratulations! 1000 posts is great, particularly when they are good ones, as yours are.

  51. Well, I'll throw my name up on here as well. Congrats on the thousand posts, but more so thanks for writing the manor. I've finally had a chance to sit down and read them and enjoyed them greatly. My wife especially loved the poetry jams.

  52. Congrats on the 1000 post! Thanks for all the work. Love the 'zine.

  53. Hey this is great! Congratulations for the 1000 posts, it really is an outstanding feat of perseverance and devotion to the community!

  54. Great job man.. No small feat to get to where you are at.

  55. Congrats on hitting the millenium mark. I have enjoyed your adventures and would love to get my hands on some copies of the Manor.

  56. Congratulations on 1000. Procrastination is both an art and a science.

    That is awesome haul of PDF goodies.

    @Ivy: Nice fireworks!

  57. Congrats Tim for reaching the epic 1000th level! You more than deserved it ;)

  58. congrats on the 1000th post. Having tried blogging myself finding something witty, insightful or even vaguely interesting to say for more than twenty posts is something that passed me by a long time ago!

    Looking forward to the next 1000


  59. Congrats, that's great! 1,000 posts is definitely a milestone. :)

  60. Been reading your blog off and on for a while. Conrats on hitting 1000 and looking forward to more.

  61. Congratulations and well done, old chap!

  62. Wow, 1000 posts and 4 years? Congratulations and good job, dude.

  63. Awesome on hitting your 1st thousand posts. I expect the next thousand to take half the time ;)

    (BTW - I'm trying to send a horde of 2k Coppers people - lets see if bribery works ;)

  64. Umm... let's see...

    Your prolific posting is only matched by your awesomeness and generosity!

    Congratulations on reaching an arbitrary landmark in your pitiful, human, base-10 measurement system!

  65. Well done Tim, it's been an entertaining journey, made more so by your co-pilot and her amusing culinary antics.

  66. Happy 1000th, Tim!

    (Don't enter me in your drawing. I just popped in to check out your nifty fireworks!)

  67. Mazel tov, Tim! To quote a classic: "Congraturation. This story is happy end. Thank you. Being the wise and courageour knight that you are you feel strongth welling. In your body. Return to starting point. Challenge again!"

  68. Congrats! That is very impressive and the fireworks are a nice touch!

  69. Congratulations on the epic 1000 posts!

  70. 1000?! That's impossible!!
    Seriously, well done.

  71. Congratulations on reaching so many posts! I haven't even hit one hundred yet, so I'm suitably impressed!

  72. Congratulations! More impressive than the 1000, though, is that they are all very worth reading.

  73. Congratulations!

    Someday I hope to get to 1000 posts.

    And I really like the firework display!

  74. Only a man of your caliber could make so many posts and say so little. (That's just the sour grapes talking!) Congratulations!

  75. Huge congratulations! I'll throw a PDF copy of Zogorion into the mix if you'd like. Might as well go for OSR overkill!

  76. YOUR BLOG IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD! Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it, once I saw "you can take a shot," it was all I could think. ;)

    Congrats on 1000 posts! Here's a 1000 more!

  77. Only a thousand? Jeez, slacker. :)

    Seriously mate, kudos. Watching this blog go from strength to strength has been great.

    Maybe you need a slogan to mark the occasion?

    "Come for the sleestaks, stay for the gaming."

    "What will The Happy Whisk do to my site next?"

    "Putting the genius in GM games."

    "Kick-ass zines a speciality."

    "That's enough flattery, give me the swag."

    No wait, damnit... :)

  78. Wow that is about one post every 126,144 seconds!

  79. Discovered your blog only today from all the attention. I can't bring myself to praise you though, we've only just "met"!

    Seems cool though. I'll check it out again, even without the promise of goodies!

  80. Grats on 1000
    Long time lurker and will continue to be.

    Looking forward to the next 1000!

  81. Congratulations! That's an impressive total, and a milestone among milestones.

  82. Congrats! Not a lot of bloggers make it so far. Keep up the good work!

  83. congratulations but why no 3.5 or 4th edition pdfs? Plus, whats a " osr "?

  84. Congrats! I have been doing the blogging thing about as long and am half as productive...

  85. Congrats, man. It's an impressive achievement.

  86. Congratulations! 1000 posts is a huge -- and very impressive -- accomplishment.

  87. Congrats on 1000 posts! And on encouraging me to break my silence skulking around the OSR blogs with a shot at that amazing-looking bundle

  88. Congrats from your avid reader from Greece! Έλα να κερδίζουμε τα δώρα!

  89. Well done on your 100th post! Might as well throw my hard hat into the ring - if I win it may encourage me to actually getting round to running that old skool campaign I have been threatening for years!

  90. Congratulations! That's dedication!

  91. You could end up with one thousand comments.

  92. Congratulations on 1000 posts!

  93. Four years of great stuff and fun! Congratulations, Tim - here's to another thousand.

  94. That's a couple treasure types worth I'd say...

  95. Well done, congrats, and I hope you have several thousand more posts in your future.

  96. Congrats! A toast for another 1000 posts! :)

  97. You are quite prolific good sir! Many congratulations!

  98. Congrats! I've been reading your blog for sometime now and it is great.
    Thanks for all your hard work!

  99. Wow! Even if I don't win (and i want to), I love your blog. This entry is worth bookmarking simply bc I have never heard of some of the giveaways!

  100. Wow, congrats on the 1000 posts, that's an amazing achievement! I like your blog and I love your zine, keep up the amazing work. Here's to another 1000 posts.

  101. Congrats on the One oh oh Oh! Your site has been a treasure trove for me ever since I found out about the whole OSR thing. Thanks for sharing.

  102. Wow, 1000 posts! Now that's stamina! Congrats on the milestone, Tim! Keep up the great work!

  103. Congratulations on such a major milestone.

    And the bundle looks mighty juicy.

  104. Congrats on 1000 posts. Keep it going for another thousand!

  105. Congratulations on 1000 posts! I greatly enjoy reading what you write, particularly the glimpses "behind-the-scenes" of web publishing.

  106. Why Tim Shorts's Blog Called Gothridge Manor Is Neat By Faoladh, Age ??

    I think your blog is the neatest one because it has falling hearts and shamrocks and sometimes has fireworks. Plus your blog has some pretty neat articles that teach some things that are pretty neat. The end.

  107. Strange to think that I have read at least 90% of them. Blogger destroys my free time much like it does for most people posting here.

    Congratulations Tim!!

    (Don't worry about putting this comment in for the drawing, there are others more deserving of this bundle)

  108. Congratulations!
    I'm impressed, 1000 is a huge milestone, good job! :)

  109. Congrats! Thanks for sticking around and posting that long!!

  110. Wow--one hellufa givaway. Very awesome! Please enter me :)

  111. Wow, great giveaway! Congratulations, 1000 posts in 4 years is amazing, here's to 1000 more!

  112. Congrats on such a quality blog

  113. gimme... gimme... gimme... gimme... multiple that to reach a 1000. congratulations... score!

  114. Hi Tim, wow... congratulation on your 1000th post in 4 years. Great job, wish you all the best.

    Excellent give away.

    Have a nice day.

  115. Wowsers! That's incredible! Well done, Fellow Tim!

  116. Congrats on 1000 at your sea as you make history!

  117. Blog of the Thousand Posts!
    Make me want to restart posting on my own humble blog. Keep on the good work, always interesting to read.

  118. I think you actually have 1000 comments here!

  119. Woohoo! Way to go. Running a blog is hard enough but sticking around for 1000 posts is pretty awesome.


  120. Congratulations on a hell of an achievement.

  121. Congratulations on 1000 posts!! That is amazing!! And you aren't kidding when you say it's a "Mega" bundle! Awesome!

  122. One thousand entries
    of darkest dungeons and zines;
    The rest of us pale.


  123. Congrats and here's to another 1000 posts!

  124. Wow, great bundle! Congratulations on your excellent blog's 1000th-versary. :)

  125. Well done, Sir, and good luck on the next 1000!

  126. 3rd try to comment . . .
    Thanks for the zombie fodder tonight. Looking forward to actually getting to the adventure.

    Thanks to you and R for introducing me to the world of RPG Now, Harn, Blogs, dead mini dragons and sick pics. Was also nice the giggling halfling didnt make me look too stoopid.

    Congrats on 1000!

  127. Congrats on a 1000 posts! That's a lot! I've been enjoying your blog since 2009, although I don't comment much... Thanks for posting stuff.

  128. Congrats on 1000 posts and keeping this blog constantly updated with great content.

    Wow, it looks like you've got the whole OSR community here commenting. Recognizing a ton of people!

  129. So, how old is 1000 posts in Usenet years?


  130. You have one of 5 blogs that got me exited about DnD again after 20 years. Inspired my blogging about gaming which has proven an entertaining solace. Look forward to next 2000, may you live forever *

    (*=or as long is convenient for you to keep blogging)

  131. Congratulations, Tim! It's a celebration that is well-deserved. Keep rockin' those posts. Meanwhile, I'll be here hypnotized by the fireworks...

  132. from c1380 your offer is almost prophetic:

    "Makinge persones wondirful bi cause of here wynnyng"

    I certainly enjoy your blog...

