
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Look at All the Great Gaming Stuff I Got in the Mail

I be-bopped to the post hoping my S&W Kickstarter was there.  Tenkar got his and I am tired of him gushing about it when I can't even play with mine.  No kickstarter package.  Crap!  But wait.  There are a few things in here.  Gaming things.  Pow.

First thing I got was a check from the LotFP Kickstarter.  Now I can get a pizza and art.  Cool.

Then I found this little blue beat up envelope.  It contained a +matt jackson creation.

 His little scout books are incredible.  I love these things.  I love the feel of these booklets.  And Matt did an excellent job with art for the covers.  It's like a song that hits all the right notes and you can't wait to hear it again.  Well done Matt.  I think you have a small success on your hands.

Then there was a yellow slip in my box.  Yellow slips means big stuff.  Big stuff is always good stuff.  I got a big box of gaming goodness from +Martin Ralya.  No really.  He sent me a lot of very, very cool stuff.  He popped on Google+ one night when I should have been sleeping and asked if anyone wanted to provide a good home to these books.  I looked to the left.  Looked to the Right.  Commented and he sent them out.  You just gotta love gamer guys who just want their books to find a good home.  I sent him a rack of Manors as a thank you.

Below is the unboxing.

I'm keeping this box.  I have some gaming books that need a good home.  Maybe this will becoming the giving box.  So the person I send it to can use it to send out some books to the next person.  A little Shel Silverstein, but if you ever saw his picture he was kinda scary.

All these books are in very good condition.  I am looking forward to digging into these.  Especially +Jack Shear's Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque.  The OSRian in me is of course going to go for that one first.

Did I make out like a champ today or what?