
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Manor #4 Progress

It seems like zines are popping out everywhere these days.  Look what you started Christian.  So far Dungeon Crawl #2 has come out.  +Wayne Rossi is looking for submissions so get them in there before June 30th.  I just recently posted about 6 Iron Spikes & a Hammer being released.  I believe this is +john yorio 's first attempt and I'm looking forward to a copy.  And recently announced was Copper Droppings, I believe it is headed by +Michael Garcia and +Erik Tenkar.  Michael recently revealed the header.  It looks fantastic.

With all these new zines popping out I need to get #4 on the road.  I have been working on it a lot lately.  Like last issue I ran into a problem where the idea I had was too ambitious and needed to be tailored down.  Now that I've done that I think it serves the adventure better.  I should have all the text completed by this weekend.  Just need to finish the last section of the adventure.  Stat NPCs.  Then do my own read through before I hand it off to my proof readers. 

This was the original village map I had.  Twenty buildings, geographical locations.  And way too big for the space I have in a zine.  I like the map and will probably use it in a future project. 

This is what the current map looks like.  The Hamlet of Low Ridge is where the adventure begins.  There are two other locales that are included and needed details so space was precious.  As you can see the number of buildings was reduced from 20 to 7 which helped save space and made the adventure tighter. In the zine this map will be in b&w. 

The section Beneath the Manor, a mini monster manual is pretty much done.  Just need to do a read through and make sure all the stats jive.  The art is incredible.

I'm hoping to get more work done tonight.  Lairs need to be laired and monsters need to be monstered.  


  1. very cool! love the maps!

    Copper Droppings in now kinda like a zine within a zine. The overall zine is Unofficial OSR and Copper Droppings is a self contained section within.

    Kinda like the old Dragon Issues with the Ares sections ;)

  2. There does seem to be a kind of creative verve in the air. Maybe its just spring.

    Fantastic looking map.

    1. Yeah there is. I'm really enjoying it. And thank you.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to do more, maybe do a collection of them.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ken! Looking forward to the game. Not to Monday.

  5. I've got to chime in on the maps, too. These are beautiful. Are they hand-coloured or does Photoshop have some fancy new pencil-crayon tool?

    1. Hi Sean thanks a ton. All hand drawn. Then I go over them with a micro sharpie then use my Crayola colored pencils to for the shading and color. For the numbers and text I scan the map in an add them one through Xara program.

  6. What everybody else said. :) Nice maps!

  7. I hate those maps. WAAAY too much color and they look much to ... much to... Hamlety.


    I can't wait as always

    1. I know. They are way hamlety. I'm not sure what to do with it.

  8. Tim,

    Please do a collection of maps. I'd hope there'd be a demand for them, but I don't know. I just know that such a collection is exactly what I am looking for in a rpg supplement. I'm terrible at mapping but I can supply all the description, monster stocking and fluff needed. I just need a good map to get me started.

    1. It's interesting you should say that, Rob (Conley) said I should do one too recently. I've been collecting them. Maybe when I get twenty to twenty-five done I'll do a map collection.
