
Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday Question: Keepin it Simple

Keeping it simple this Friday.

What RPG have you been playing lately?

The Monday Night crew continues to use Blood & Treasure in +Ken Harrison's megadungeon crawl.  We've played a little FUDGE with a homebrewed system for +Rob Conley's Majestic Wilderlands.  And I've been working on a Swords & Wizardry variant for the campaign world I'm working on.

It's Friday.  This is a good thing.


  1. Dammit you gave out my answer already! ;-)

  2. 1st Ed AD&D. But I want to get some Doctor Who in this weekend.

  3. I played B. Portly's Detectives & Daredevils last weekend.

  4. S&W biweekly campaign, and I'm running off to U-Con to run a couple Tekumel scenarios using GURPS Lite (4th Ed.) next weekend. I'm also hoping to play in 4 other Tekumel games, since they have a Tekumel Track at U-Con.

  5. We've been playing GURPS 4e. Besides the Horror Noir campaign that I have going, I'm planning a GURPS Rus/Varangian based game circa 950 AD with Beowulf-style fantasy overtones.

    - Ark

  6. My Swords & Wizardry setting variants: Victorian, Spaghetti Western, Vietnam, Reverse Dungeon, and this week Pirates. Huzzah!

  7. WAAHHH! None! I no longer have a group. I did pose the question to some former members about starting up a fortnightly Sunday evening rp session. The response was extremely disappointing to say the least. Damn you, responsibility and commitment! You've ruined everything!

  8. Uh, Dungeon Robber.

    I've been putting together an AD&D1E game that I want to run, which is almost good to go and now I just need to find a group as I don't have one, and have done some preliminary work toward a GURPS 4E Sixguns & Sorcery game that I will be running (either with a group or with Mythic for myself).

  9. JoeTheLawyer and I are alternating LotFP WF and S&W Complete campaigns on saturday nights

  10. Does Path of Exiles count? No? OK then, mostly just my own game project Monstrarium. Everyone plays a Monster. Rawr.

  11. Shadowrun 5th edition.
    Labyrinth Lord.
