
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Characters for the Campaign

A couple of days ago I wrote a post Beginning of a Character.  I plan on running my first session this Thursday.  I finished the template of how I'm presenting the characters.  I think it turned out pretty good.  Here's +Ken H character.  He's playing a battle mage.  I'm using a Frankenstein system where I'm just bolting on what I like.  Ken is going to be my tester for spell point system I put into place.  I think I've simplified it enough, but I won't know until we start rolling dice. 

Here's Ken's character, Hyroth.

Now I need to finish +Rob Conley and +Chris C. characters.


  1. Look Ken. Your name is in Crafty Girl font.

  2. Oooh, cool. I can't wait for Thursday! :)

    1. Hope you guys enjoy. I still have a lot of work to do. More than I thought at first, but with Ivy cleansing the office it should make it easier.

  3. I have a document that is my aborted attempt at an original retro-clone for download on my blog page. Hero's Journey. There may be some stuff in there that my interest you. Including an alternate magic system. :)

  4. I'm just glad the PDF wasn't affected by your font plague. Hey, that's not contagious, right?

  5. Looking forward to playing him on Thursday. Nice character sheet, by the way.
