
Monday, February 24, 2014

How I Plan to Judge You

l I will not be wearing a black robe, those are so cliche.  I got the idea from +Ken H on how to go about it when he judged the one-page dungeon contest a few eons ago.  I will give each magic item a rating, 1 - 5, 1 being suck, 5 being awesome.  I'll rate each magic item in three categories. 

  • First category, is the item cool.  Because really, if you can't get past this gate you have little to no chance getting through the next two. 
  • Second, is the item well written.  Has the contributor explained his magic item well in a concise manner.  
  • And the last category is, would I likely use this magic item in a game of mine.  I think a good magic item should be useable.
I'll start going through the entries tonight. With 339 of them I hope to get through about 40 to 50 a night, but don't want to burn myself out too much because I really want to give each contribution a good set of eyes.  *Insert figure skating judging joke here*

I'll do a tally on the side of the blog of how many I've gone through.  Good luck to everyone who entered.  Either way this is going to end up as one awesome PDF.


  1. You are so judgmental! To bad these aren't dead tree entries. In the past you could burn the rejected manuscripts and send back a pile of ashes in the self-addressed stamped envelope. Somehow this reminds me of the Gaps Ode to Spring Contest.

  2. I'll just leave this here:
