
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gifts at the Manor

I'm not sure if you know, but it's Christmas.  I heard it on the news somewhere.  I wanted to show you the very cool stuff the wife got me.  Some of the gaming stuff I knew, because with gaming books, its sorta like her cooking stuff, its just better to let the person pick it out so you can get the right one.  Speaking of which...

I got my DMG finally!  I will spend some quality time with it during the weekend.

I got the final book of the Green Ronin's version of Thieves World.  This is one I've been wanting to get for a long time.  Recently found it on-line for a good price, snagged it, then thanked Ivy for her savvy shopping and getting me exactly what I wanted.

I got two sets of Micron pens, the different sized black and some colored ones.  Many of the big map makers swear by them.  Ivy remembered and here they are.  Then she got me two other sets of pencils I'm very curious to use.  Watercolor pencils?!?  Apparently you can use them like normal pencils, but add a little water and I guess they become water color paint kinda sorta.  The last batch are brush markers.  They have very fine tips.  I am super excited to try these on my maps.  My artistic ability is very limited so I hope to have enough chops to use them for cool effect.

And lastly....

I got another BIG ASS PRINTER.  Looks like a spaceship.  This badass does edge-to-edge printing AND can print full spread, up to 13" x 19", which means I could do a full sized Manor.  So far so good.  We'll see how it performs when I give it a full workout.

Christmas at the Manor was a huge success.  Ivy did incredible.  I feel like a kid with all these new toys.  We've been very frugal over the past 4 to 5 years, but this year we decided to just have fun with it and we did. 

Here's my new printer next to my other printer.  Both will be used, but my shredder is now homeless.


  1. nice! So I am in for making some big ass maps? Does it do colors as well?

    1. I'm thinking yes Rob. Trees upon trees that we will argue over which ones look better.

  2. Very cool! Turns out that Ivy is okay after all.

    A very Merry Christmas to both of you!

    1. Yeah she is okay, except for turning all the clocks ahead and making me think I lost all sense of time.

      Have a fantastic Christmas.

    2. That wife's a keeper. Congratulations! Mine bought me a 1971 Chateau Le Roc for the price of a small eastern European car. Gee, dandy. A bottle of wine. That we'll probably never open. I'll have more fun smoking a swisher-sweet while I sob in the garage. Is Paco's Salt Pit still open? I can hang in there with the trog . . . (this is just me bitching; life ain't that bad)


  3. Micron pens are awesome. Let me know what you think of them.

    1. Will do. I'm sure you'll find some of what I did with them very soon.

  4. Nice printer!

    Have you ever tried any of those Continuous Ink Systems for the deskjets? Between my own, my wife's (teacher) and the kid's incessant need to print random things I'm dying on ink.

    1. Hi Koewn, no I haven't. I haven't heard of a Continuous Ink Systems. I'll have to check it out.

  5. Those are some awesome gifts -- and you finally get to read your DMG (yay!).

    Hope you and Ivy are having a great Christmas!

  6. Enjoy your gifts.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  7. That is a cool looking big-ass printer. Please do full-size Manors. I enjoy zines but after reading your Starter Adventuress I have to tell you how much I miss full-sized pages and maps.

  8.! You lucky fella! Loving the cover work onthe D&D DM's book. The pen's, well hey, any DM worth their salt MUST have pens of ALL descriptions (might I add, a dry wipe white board was invaluable to me when I DM'd - I used to draw 'instant' maps for player clarification, or for character positioning in combat - excellent tool).

    As for your mothership of a printer - dude, I'm so jealous!

    I hope there are loads of foot rubs and cups of tea being done in return for such an amazing pressie?

  9. Full-size...>gasp<

    I'm warming up the blue pencils in anticipation!

  10. Lucky you with that printer. Does it travel on the road? I envy you your old printer, let alone the new one.

  11. Glad to hear you're having fun.
