Last night, as I scrambled to finish The Flayed King for the Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day, I knew I was going to do a print version. That was the idea all along. But I barely had enough steam left to finish a PDF version. So this morning, I got right to it. I think it looks cool. I've already sung the praises of +Jim Magnusson's art, but without it this project wouldn't have gotten off the ground.
I'm sending out a batch of mini zines to my patron folks and people who have already contacted me. If you are interested in a copy please email me at elder(underscore)sensa(at)yahoo(dot)com. If I have it in email I'm less likely to lose it in all the activity of Google+. And it doesn't matter where you live. I'll send them out to anywhere.
This is my small offering to the gaming community and to Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day. It's a great idea and I hope it becomes a yearly thing.
I got my Flayed King today, thank you, and it looks great! Love the artwork, good story. The autograph is a nice touch. Tell Ivy her envelopes are the bomb, diggity.