
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Space Herpes or For the Love of Tiffany

A couple of days after bringing 'The Tusk' to Millwall Station and going immediately into 7500 credit debt as the ship is repaired, Max and I took another job. Oh yeah, and this scientist joined us, a Dr. Cole. He reminded me of my parents. He had the walk and speech pattern of someone from academia, but lacked their sense of superior judgement based on second hand knowledge and no real world experience to back it up. So I liked him. 

Dr. Scrot asked us to investigate a space station orbiting the planet Invictus. It sent out a distress signal, but the station's computers had no luck gathering information because of interference. What little they did discover was the name of the space station, the Precuneus. A scientific, experimentation station studying the effect of zero gravity on bio masses.  A Dr. Boshavic is in charge. 

Now that wouldn't be strange, except the Precuneus is supposed to be 75 light years away. 

Millwall Station loaned us a scout ship, Rosa, and off we went to investigate the displaced space station. On the way to our destination, Dr. Cole took the time to explain what his process was for selecting a teacher's assistant. The man had a plethora of attractive, female students to chose from. I admire his dedication. 

Upon reaching orbit along side the Precuneus, it was obvious it was in trouble. A strange shaped asteroid attached itself to the hull. None of us had any clue what it was. Dr. Cole surmised that is was an alien spaceship and because the aliens had the intelligence for space travel, that they were friendly, and should be regarded as such. So upon on meeting them we were to assume as much. See comment about about judgement based on second hand knowledge and no real world experience.

We entered the station and Dr. Cole managed to get one of the computers to give a run down of this operation. He found more details about the experiments. It included a variety of creatures, one that bothered him the most was the gorilla. He regaled us with stories of how when gorillas and monkeys attack they go for the face, fingers and to his ultimate horror, the genitals. I can't say I was too pleased to hear that little factoid. 

I messed around with the computer and managed to bring up the personal files. Seventy-five on staff. Dr. Cole took a liking to one of the scientists, Tiffany Fields, a comely scientist who likes working out, pina coladas and walks in the rain. 

From the lower decks we heard knocking.

Down we went. As we exited the lift we saw feet sticking out from beneath a desk. Max and I took the lead, Dr. Cole stayed behind in his day glow space suit. We found a Johnathan, his neck, leg and arm was broken. Dead. And nearby was this fleshy mass with several soft, leathery eggs on top (space herpes!) that had hatched. I always get nervous when I see a broken egg. Nothing good ever comes out of those things.  

Within the wall that bisected the room, was a door with a hand scanner. I picked up Johnathan and drug him over to the door to use his hand. Just as the door swished open, I heard cries from Max and Dr. Cole not to open the door. Whoops.

A thick scent of  azane or ammonia rolled out. It was accompanied by what I can only describe as a thick fog. A form appeared in the fog, another scientist, this one was walking, but his eyes were glazed with a pus white color. On his head were a stacked, pulsating group of eggs the size of grapes. He reached out for me and I shot him with my trusty laser pistol. Dropped him with one shot. It was then I considered maybe if we removed the eggs the scientist would return.

Max rushed over and said there were more in the room. I pushed the button to close the door and the dead man's feet were stuck in the open door. Open. Close. Open. Close. Then defaulted to open as another man stepped out of the rolling fog. Meet Bob. 

Max shot some of the eggs on his head. I tried to imitate this, but my aim was a bit off. Bob lunged at Max, eyes pus colored as the other, and fell forward on his face. I took the opportunity to clear more of the eggs off his head. My aim was off again. 

I killed Bob.

Small alien like creatures popped into the air, made a screeching sound and then hit the floor. I'm assuming they were dead. 

I was in mid-sentence apologizing to headless Bob when Tiffany Fields walked through the door. Somewhere Dr. Cole had gotten a fire ax, but his arms were visibly shaking from the effort of holding it. Tiffany went after Dr. Cole, eggs again, stacked on her head. 

Dr. Cole managed to get her back toward Max and I. I lassoed her with my rope. Yes, I carry a rope in space. This is my rope. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Max shaved a batch of eggs of her head with an expert shot. I wound the rope around her tighter and we managed to get all the eggs off and her eyes returned to normal. There was hope. I looked over at headless Bob and felt a little guilty.

Max turned on the ventilation system and the ammonia fog cleared and we entered the back half of the laboratory. We found where the asteroid connected with the station. It looked like a natural cavern. No sound. No light. We decided to enter.

End session. 


GM..................... +matt jackson 
Max............................ +Greg C 
Dr. Cole....... +Christian Walker 
Nikola.................................. Me
Tiffany................ Zienia Merton

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