
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Zine Tools: Affinity Publisher

I don't normally do these type of posts, but I think this one is called for. Anyone who knows me can attest to my ability to FUBAR programs/electronics/computers is nearly godlike. After my battle with Microsoft Publisher with my Hunters in Death Kickstarter, I jumped over to Affinity Publisher.

Ivy took over the printing process and used Affinity Publisher I was amazed at how much better it printed. It was a significant difference. Not to mention my frustration with MS Publisher dropping last sentences in table cells or randomly deleting artwork from my layout. I couldn't keep track of what it would do next to fuck up my zine. With Affinity, I...Ivy had none of those issues. 

As part of my initiation into Affinity Publisher I needed to do one of my micro-adventures. So I did. I found plenty of YouTube videos to assist me on my journey. And I finished my first one tonight. I'll do a read through tomorrow then release it.

One of the things I loved about the program is you can seamlessly go between Affinity Publisher to Affinity Photo to make adjustments. They have a third program called Affinity Designer which I have no idea what it does, but I'm sure it's great.

Price point? $50. Yup. You own it at $50. The other two are $50 each also. They have sales from time to time. So you could possibly get them cheaper. Here is a link to the site. I am not affiliated with Affinity in any way. Unless I have some long lost relative working there, but I probably wouldn't like them any way. Oh, the link...Affinity and Beyond!

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