
Saturday, September 19, 2020

Artist Spotlight: Yuri Perkowski Domingos


I've decided to start a new series on my blog called Artist Spotlight. I'll feature an artist I've used in my adventures or someone's whose work I enjoy. I'm a bit of a stockart junkie so I shouldn't run out any time soon. The links to DriveThru are affiliate links to help me with my stockart addiction. 

Which brings me to my first artist, Yuri Perkowski Domingos. For those of you who don't know I run a Facebook group called RPG Zines. I wanted to create a cool space for people writing zines, creating artwork, and all the behind the scenes magic like layout and editing. That's where I first saw Yuri's work. I mean come on, a rot grub picture gets me every time. 

Yuri brings an intense amount of detail to his pieces. His work jumps off the page. He has several pieces that include horrible things that happen to adventures, like our poor man-at-arms above, but also some crazy cool monsters and architectural pieces.

I love this one. If Joey Ramone was a troll this is exactly what he would look like. 

I used his lighthouse piece for my cover on my Lighthouse of  Corban Cove micro-location. It immediately invoked a desperate community living off of tired traditions to remain intact. That's what I look for. Pieces that tell me a story. 

Yuri has a fantastic selection of work to inspire your next adventure, your next zine, or whatever your working on. If you need strong artwork you can find Yuri on DriveThruRPG (I still call it RPGNow). His prices are affordable. You can pick up a lot for just a few bucks. His prices range from $1 to $3 with a few at $5. Most are at $2. 

Allow me to make a suggestion, his 38 Creature Pack is only $20! You get, yes, 38 creatures of varying horribleness, but you also get two versions of each, one with a white background and the other with a transparent background. As a publisher this saves me time having to create one. 

Here are links to Yuri's other internet presences. Follow Yuri to keep up with his latest work. 


  1. Oh man this is great. As one trying to publish a DIY OSR book art has been my biggest struggle. NexT time rather than commission art I will just go stock art and write and crate around it so that I already have it in place.

    1. I do that a lot. And it's fun to have them in your arsenal.

  2. Do you know if he does commission work?

    1. Hello Jb, I'm available for commission, send me an email or message on my social networks
